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Room 109
Community Regional Medical Center [Fresno, CA.]
February 18, 2017. 8:17 A.M.


For the last few days, the FPD have been monitoring David Gillings' recovery, waiting for him to regain consciousness from the shooting incident. Lucian and I have been guarding him, rotating every twelve hours to make sure that nothing out of the ordinary happen or at the very least, an accomplice tried to come to his rescue.

Trying to build this case was nothing less of taxing, barely any evidence of any kind to tie this man to Maléfica. Yes, he was indeed guilty of trying to rob an elderly woman in broad daylight, but there was something I didn't understand. When Elise used her gun on him, she used it with the intention to stop him. Not kill him. The injury in David's neck had enough muscle tissue to sustain some damage but not enough to hit a vital spot.

And if that's the case, Elise didn't use police brutality on him at all. She just wanted to stop him and if that's true, what was the purpose for Cheyenne to put Elise on administrative leave in the first place? Nothing was making sense to me at this point. Something was definitely off about that. If all goes well, David would be released from the hospital by next week and we can take him in for questioning. That way, we get some idea of what happened from his side of things.

I was pulled out of my train of thoughts when David started to come to, tying to open his eyes. "What happened to me? Where the hell am I?"

I went over to where he was and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Relax, David. You were shot a few days ago and you brought in the hospital to recuperate. No one's going to hurt you here, so you can rest easy."

"Who are you?" He asked, his vision blurry and untrustworthy at the moment.

I flashed my police badge at him. "Joyce Lyons. Police Deputy Chief of the FPD. It might seem sudden but I need to ask you some questions."

"I'm not dead yet?" David looked at me confused.

"I beg your pardon?" I was baffled by his question. "Lucky for you, you're still alive and -"

"Why didn't that cop kill me? Why am I still here? That officer had the chance to take me out of my misery and freed me. Yet, she refused to save me and I continue living this nightmare." He said quietly.

"Sir?" I asked again, but I wasn't prepared for what I would hear next.

"I'm tired of suffering and being a pawn of that she-devil! I want to be with my folks again! I rather up there with them in heaven than to be living this hell on Earth!" He screamed.

"She-devil? Pawn?" I questioned, letting the words roll off my tongue. Was he talking about Maléfica? "David, you have to tell me more! Is Maléfica the one making you do this?"

His lips trembled and he completely loses it. "God, please take my life away! I can't take it anymore!"

David caught me off guard to the point where I almost reached for the gun inside my suit. Soon after, a doctor and a team of nurses from the Behavioral Emergency Response Team rushed into the room to tend to David's outburst. I wanted to calm him down but one of the male nurses had pushed me back to sit down in the chair. His screams pierced throughout the room, the nurses trying their best to get the situation under control.


My eyes widened as I backed away from him, horrified by what I was seeing. I have seen many things during my years in the FPD, but I've never seen anyone react with such fear for another person as David did towards Diabla. I was difficult for me to see that.

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