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Kenneth and Celestine's Place
Landing at Fancher Creek Apartments [Fresno, CA.]
February 12, 2017. 4:40 P.M.


I was dusting off the curtains in the living room and dancing to the beat of a song that blared on my iPad. I always liked to have music playing while I was cleaning up in order get through it a little faster. Call it crazy, but that's how she got things done in her house.

After the previous song went off, the song "Treasure", by Bruno Mars came on and that's when I really started getting into it. 

(♪ Baby squirrel, you's a sexy motherfucker ♪)

I laughed from the funny intro and stumped my feet in time with the intro's beat. The beginning of the song was always hilarious to me and I started lip syncing the lyrics to the song while using the duster as a microphone.

(♪ Give me your, give me your, give me your attention, baby | I gotta tell you a little something about yourself | You're wonderful, flawless, ooh, you're a sexy lady | But you walk around here like you wanna be someone else | (Oh whoa-oh-oh) I know that you don't know it, but you're fine, so fine (fine, so fine) | (Oh whoa-oh-oh) Oh girl, I'm gonna show you when you're mine, oh mine (mine, oh mine) ♪)

"Oh, I love this young man's music!" I was having a ball, mimicking the dance that was done in his music video. I was in my fifties, but very fit for a woman my age. Elise wasn't the only one who loved Bruno Mars - I adored him as well because he was a musician who made music for everyone and not just for a certain age group of people. "Sing it, Bruno! You're such a cutie pie!"

(♪ Treasure, that is what you are | Honey, you're my golden star | You know you can make my wish come true | If you let me treasure you | If you let me treasure you ♪)


A loud male voice boomed over the music playing in the house and I groaned from hearing it. "Oh, God." I stopped what I was doing and turned off the iPad. Taking off my rubber gloves and the head scarf I wrapped around her my head, I marched out the living room and into the hallway where the voice was coming from. I had to stop this before the neighbors began to think that something was wrong.


There it was again. The familiar voice was ringing throughout the house and I was now face-to-face with my husband of twenty-seven years, Kenneth Dupree. I saw him taking off his dress shoes near the front door. "You could wake the dead, Kenny!" I came up to him and snatch the jacket out his hand and put in on the nearby coat rack. "What is wrong with you? Coming in the house yelling like you done lost your damn mind!"

"Where is that damn girl?!" Kenneth question, his gaze narrowing down at me with a quiet fury. "I come back from vacation and go to the FPD to surprise everyone for a visit and I hear that my daughter's no longer an officer there? What is going on!?"

I pointed my finger at him, warning him not to do anymore screaming, "First of all, you need to tone your voice down! Second, who told you what happened?"

Kenneth sighed. "Cheyenne did." 

I sucked my teeth from hearing that, "God damn it."

Kenneth paced through the house and went into the living room to sit in the arms chair. His frustration was mounting. "Why would Elise do something so crazy?! I taught her better than that!"

I came in and sat on the couch next to him, watching my husband rant and fulminate about our daughter. I was not having that. Not today. "It's obvious that she was trying to do the right thing when she was on the job, but it's apparent that she's not happy about it." 

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