Chapter 6

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Sasha P.O.V

Today was me and Millie last day in Arizona and today I was going to meet Roman at the are arena where raw was and then for coffee but first I needed Bayley to watch Millie for me so I called her.

Hey Bayley. I said through the phone.

Hey Sasha. What are you doing. She said.

Good. I need a favor. I said.

What is it? She confused.

Can you take care of Millie.

Why? Where are you going?

I'm going to coffee with Roman.

So you're finally going to talk to him.

Yeah, so can you take care of Millie for me while I'm gone. I said.

Of course I'll be there in five minutes.

Okay, thank you so much. I'll pay you back.

You're welcome. Bye. She said.

Bye. I said as I hanged up the phone.

5 minutes later

Bayley just got here to take care of Millie and was going to the arena where raw was and then me and Roman would get coffee.

Thanks so much Bayley for taking care of Millie. I said as she came in.

Of course. So go have fun, okay. She said.

Likely, but I'll try my best just let me say bye to Millie.

Millie come here before I leave. I shouted.

Coming mommy. She said coming.

I love you so much, listen to Auntie Bagley. I'll be back soon, okay.

Okay mommy love you. Millie said.

I was at the hotel lobby waiting for Roman and then go came.

Hey. He said

Hi. So are you ready to go. I said.

Yeah let's go I have a car outside. He said.


Once we got in the car it was silence and when we got coffee and some food we started talking about wrestling.

Oh my good serious. I said chuckling.

Yeah. He said.

So, this feels like old times doesn't it. I said.

Yeah. He said.

So how's life been like your personal life that people don't see on TV.

Well I'm married.

Really, I didn't know that.

Yeah, and I have a kid.

Really. I said in shocked.

Boy or girl?


How old is she.

Eight years old.

What's her name?


So you've knew about her since we were dating.


Was she the reason why you broke up with me.

Yeah, I'm sorry. He said.

It's okay, you don't need to apology you had a kid and you wanted to there for her and I just wish you told me. I said.

Yeah. He said.

The rest of the time was pretty much silence so I decided to say something.

Umm, we should get going I have a plane to catch.

We cleaned up our food and we got in the car and it was completely silence. We got out of the car and he took me to my room.

Thanks so much breakfast. I said.

You're welcome, I'll see you around. He said.


I went inside my hotel and the first thing I hear is Millie calling mommy.

Mommy. Millie screamed.

Hey little girl.

Thank you so much Bayley for taking care of her.

Anytime, but how was coffee with Roman.

It was okay but there's one thing.


He told he that he has a wife and kid and I don't think that you or anyone told me about this.

Well I wanted to, but I didn't want you to get hurt.

I get it but you still should have told me.

I know and I'm sorry.

Its okay. Me and Millie are going to pack and then I'll see you in the lobby in about twenty minutes.

20 minutes later

Me and Millie were in the lobby and then we went to the parking lot to put are stuff in the car we rented and then I saw Roman with his wife and child and then started walking up to me.

So I just want to say sorry and I hope that we're okay.

Of course we're okay.

Good, well then...

Baby what are you doing. Galina said.

Galina I want you to meet someone, this Sasha my friend.

Hi Sasha nice to meet you, I love your hair.

Its nice to meet you too and thank you.

Roman we need to get going Joelle in the car so let's go.

Okay, Galina. He said while Galina walked back to the car.

Well I just came here to give you my phone number.

Oh, well here's my phone just put it in and I'll put my number into you're phone.

We put each other numbers into each other phones and we said bye. I got in the car started driving went to the airport got on the plane and went back to Orlando, Florida with Millie and Bayley.

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