Chapter 18

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Roman's P.O.V

This was my last day in rehab and I was ready to go home to see Millie, Joelle and mostly Sasha. The last time I saw her was when she told me that I needed to get my shit together before I could see Millie and to do that I went to rehab. Before I leave I have to do a group meeting with some people and talk about how I feel and some other shit.

Okay guys today is someone's last meeting before he or she leaves and that person is Roman. Do you have anything to say before you leave? The leader of group said.

Well I just want to say that this last month was very hard but I know that I am doing something good for not just myself but my family. I said. The leader of group said crying between each word he said.

After the group meeting I packed a bag and got ready to go home.

Sasha's P.O.V

Today was the day that I was going to pick up Roman from rehab and I was so nervous to see him because last time I wasn't the nicest person but I hope that he's okay and ready to put the past in past and be a better man and father.

Millie, Joelle it's time to get your dad. I shouted.

Finally. Millie said coming downstairs.

Yeah. I've waited a whole month to see him. Joelle said.

Okay guys. Get in the car and let's go.

We got in the car and we went straight to rehab. Millie, Joelle and I got out of the car and waited and then we saw Roman and the girls ran straight to him and hugged him.

I missed you so much daddy. Joelle said.

I missed you too, both of you. Roman said.

Come on we have a surprise for you at home.

Okay. I'm coming.

Once everyone got in the car I drove back home and the girls went upside to give Roman his present.

Here you go. Joelle said.

What is it?

It's a drawing of you, me, Millie, and Sasha as one big happy family.

I love it.

Here's my daddy. Millie said.

What is tho now.

It's a painting of you and me at the park.

I love it. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Okay guys I'm pretty sure that daddy's tired and wants to unpack his stuff so let him do that. I have crackers and cheese for you guys to eat on the table.

Okay mommy. Millie said and went to eat the cheese and crackers and me and Roman went upstairs to his room.

So how was rehab? I said as he unpack his bag.

It was good. Listen what you told me really got me and I want to be a good father.

That's good. I also want to know what's going to happen with us.

I don't know. I mean I think we should just focus on making a good family together and focusing on the kids.

That's exactly what I was thinking. I said but deep down I thought that maybe we could get back together but I was also thinking that maybe we shouldn't. I just feel very confused about how I feel.

3 hours later

After Millie and Joelle played with Roman they took a shower and went straight to sleep and it just me and Roman and it was really awkward so I decided just to talk to him to stop this awkwardness.

Why is everything so weird between us? I asked.


Why is everything is weird between us? Each time we're alone it's just weird and I don't know why.

I don't know either?

Listen if you still hate me just tell me.

I don't hate you.

Yeah you do.

Don't say that, through everything we've been through you've been there and I'm so grateful for you. You mean the world to me.

I didn't what to say or to do. I have all of these kinds feelings. All I want to do is kiss him but I know I can't but then I said the dumbest thing that I could probably say.

I think that I love you.


I said...when are you going back to wrestling because I know how much everyone misses you're crazy self and how they would love to see you in the ring I mean I would definitely.

That's not what you said Sasha.

Yeah, that's what I said. I think we should talk about this tomorrow I'm really tired it's been a very long day I'll see you in the morning.


I can't believe what I just said I can't let that happen again for the sake of our relationship.

Roman's P.O.V

I can't be believe that Sasha just said that she loves me. One side of me is really mad because she said no to my proposal and all of a sudden she wants to be together. But another side of me still loves her and wants to be her and have a family. I wouldn't be here without Sasha. She's helped me so much. I just feel all these kinds of emotions that I don't understand. I need to talk to her tomorrow and see where we stand together as a couple. Because at the end of the day she is the mother of my child and I do still love her.

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