Chapter 32

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1 week till wedding

Roman's P.O.V.

It was one more week until I could call Sasha my wife. It's been a long ride of wedding planning, I mean it takes six months to plan a wedding without breaking down in tears at least each month. As I sat down on the couch next to Sasha I just couldn't help to smile because through everything we've been through we actually made it.

What? Sasha said looking at me as I smiled.

Nothing, you just look so beautiful. I said.

Thank you. Can you believe that in a week we're going get to get marry.

I know, but I knew one day I would see you walk down the aisle and then I can call you my wife.

Since we going to get married in a week we can't see each other.


The day before the wedding.


Because it's tradition. The groom can't see the bride the day before the wedding.

Okay, as long if I don't have a runway bride.

Can't promise that. She said and then I kissed her and then Millie and Joelle started down the stairs.

Stop kissing. Millie said once she jumped on us.

Yeah, it's getting gross. Joelle said.

Well you're going to be seeing more this. Roman said and then kissed me while Millie and Joelle just closed there eyes saying "eww".

One day before the wedding

Sasha's P.O.V

Me, Bayley, Becky and Charlotte went to a wedding dress shop for my final dress fitting before the wedding.

Hi Mrs. Greyson. I said to the lady as we walked in.

Hi Sasha, you ready for your last dress fitting.

Yeah, but I'm also going to be looking for some bridesmaids dresses.

How many?


Why do you need bridesmaids dresses? Becky asked.

Because you guys are my bridesmaids.

And you didn't think to have told us this. Bayley said.

I wanted it to be a surprise.

Well we're definitely surprised.

So let's start with the bridesmaids dresses. Mrs. Greyson said showing us some dresses.

What color would you like Sasha for the dresses?


Well then let's start putting on some dresses.

35 minutes later

After what felt like forever we still couldn't find the perfect dress for Bayley, Charlotte and Becky to wear and it felt like we would never find a dress.

I give up. I said.


I give up. We've tried on every single red, blue, whatever color dress and there's not one that makes feel like yes  you're wearing that.

Wait before we leave let's look at one more dress. Charlotte said.

What do you got for me? I said and then Becky showed me a beautiful red dress.

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