Chapter 8: Gotta know who's doing this! WHO!? GAEA IS THIS YOUR DOING?!??

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Annabeth's POV
I saw one of my siblings bringing what might be an unconscious Percy, who was in my body, to the infirmary. We all followed so we could see if he was ok. To me, this was all scary, but I had to be brave.

Will was telling Nico what to do since they didn't have their own powers and were in different bodies. Will was telling Nico to be careful even though Nico didn't know how to be a doctor at all.

Will simply gave up on helping Nico and made a different Apollo child help Percy. Percy soon woke up, but I wasn't paying attention until Nico said something.

Percy didn't know what was going on, he was pretty terrified once he found out what was happening and who we each were.

Will explained everything while I added some things. "So," he looked straight at me. "Are you Annabeth?" I nodded. He got up and hugged me, it felt weird being tall.

"Should we go to Chiron to get our prophecy or just go straight to Rachel?" I asked. "Chiron first," Will answered.

We walked to the Big House just as everyone was going to breakfast. We went inside to see Mr. D trying to figure out how to the horse legs in the wheel chair like Chiron did. Chiron went to us. "What should we do, Chiron?" He gestured to Rachel.

Rachel looked our way. Green smoke cane out of her mouth. The Prophecy was:

7 demigods shall try to find a cure.
3 stay to fix a camp to hide a secret.
The dark one shall leave the camp to meet the nature.
The sky shall meet the earth at the end. The water will meet blood one last time
(I'm not that good at these XD)

I ran to catch Rachel before she fell and put her on the couch. We looked at each other to see if we knew what it meant.

Im sorry if it wasn't that good. I'm not that good at writing, but I hope you liked it.
~HadesDamSnackbar c:

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