Chapter 14: THESE CURSES!!!

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Percy's POV
Once we finished packing back up and put everything in the back of the Van, we kept going.

I'm pretty sure we were going the wrong way and I know for sure that Gaea is LITERALLY THE EARTH!

If Gaea is the Earth, wouldn't we be dead by now since she can crush the Earth? Yes ,I know, I just had a non-"Percy's dumb" moment.

I looked to Annabeth, who was sitting in the front with me. She seemed thinking through the prophecy again. "Uhm, guys. We have company!" Leo said, pointing in front of us to see a whole bunch of Empousai. Oh gods.

We stopped the van on the side of the road, again, to fight these donkey legged, man's blood feasting, things. I took out Riptide, it's great that our weapons come to us even though we body-swapped, while everyone else took out their weapon.

We fought what felt like hours. Some of them went on me to feast on my blood, but stopped them, killing them.

Guess who was with the Empousai and out of the dark. Yup, the Arae. Time to be cursed, oh joy! I thought, sighing.


After killing all the Empousai, we were standing in front of the Arae. One of the Arae just snickered. "If you do at all kill any of us, you get the same thing. I hope you understand." She turned to me and Annabeth, "oh, I've heard about you two. I bet you two were in Tartarus."

Schist! Welp, this is going to be a blood bath. I went into the battle, even with knowing what will happen, I threw my sword into one of the Arae. It crumbled to dust, but hey guess who got pain in their abdomen. Yup, me!

I fell on the ground, grabbing at my stomach. The others fought too and killing all of them, still getting the curses.

Annabeth got: broken ribs
Jason got: blind and pain in shoulder
Leo got: .....nothing....he burnt them and he can't get burnt.....or can he? I haven't asked
Piper got: ....I think she charmspeaked to them to kill themselves with their own swords.....can you get cursed by that?
Frank (he came in when we were in the middle of it) got: broken left arm and massive head injury
Hazel (also came in the middle) got: ...well...she killed them with her horse....I don't understand.

We all got ambrosia after that fight and curses. I passed out after eating my ambrosia from the pain.

Another day, another stupid curse from a dam Arae!

Hope you liked it :)
~HadesDamSnackbar c:

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