Chapter 20:"These battle scars, don't look like they're fading!"

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Percy's POV
I felt more weighted. That was odd. I then heard voices. Wait....Jason? Nico? Leo? Frank? WHAT?!?

I heard Frank first. "Guys, I-I don't know about this. Wh-what if he wakes up?" Nico sounded annoyed, "Frank, we're inside of his head. What more do you not understand?"

"Nico, leave Frank alone. He's terrified, okay?" Jason didn't sound in the mood. He sounded upset.

I woke up breathing heavily, but it didn't feel like I was alive or dead. I blinked my eyes to adjust them to the darkishness. Jason sat next to me talking to Nico.

I looked around. Where am I? I thought. I jumped a little when I heard a voice say, "oh look. He's awake!" I turned and saw Jason and Nico looking at me.

I nodded, terrified to speak. Jason patted me on the back lightly, seeming to know why I didn't speak. "It's ok, Perc. We're inside your head by the way," Jason said. I saw Leo talking to Piper.

I walked, or floated I don't know, over to him and waited for a second. Leo saw me and moved aside. I saw Annabeth, Piper and Hazel. I then saw other people I didn't know.

I waved to Annabeth, "H-Hey." I stuttered, finally finding my voice for what felt like ages. Annabeth cried and ran to me and hugged me. I hugged her back, happy to see her again.

Hazel came over and asked, "We should make a little camp before we set out. Is that ok, Annabeth?" Annabeth pulled away and nodded.

What felt like hours later, we made a little camp. Leo used his powers to make a camp fire. We had a good time, although, I wasn't having it with people being in my head.

We sang Battle Scars, Explode (Patrick Stump), and My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark. After our last song, we said our good nights and went to our tents.

Welp, time to start feeling uncomfortable.

Hope you liked it :3
I'm going to make a sequel!
Be ready!!❤️
~HadesDamSnackbar c:

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