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He didn't know when he started feeling this way. Who knows, maybe he already felt this way when he met her. But one thing was sure, he MIGHT be starting to like her.

It just didn't make sense. How could you fall for someone without knowing what she looked like? How could you fall for someone you barely know?

That was why when she asked him about that, he told her what she wanted to hear.

She asked him, "Hey Will, what do you think of falling in love online?"

Her question took him by surprise. "Why did you ask that?"

"Um, nothing." She shrugged. "Just wondering. I mean, don't you think it's illogical?"

"I see." He said. Should he tell her that liking someone online was a plausible thing? He MIGHT be feeling that way, after all. Or should he tell her the opposite thing?

Of course. He should say that he agrees with her. She may not look like it but even though she was very emotional, when it comes to love and a few selected topics, she could be very logical.

"Well, people fall in love online because of chatting. I guess people just want to see what they want to see. And maybe because of that, they'll fall in love." He explained.

"I see." She replied, deep in thought. "So you DO think it's illogical?"

"I guess so." He simply stated.

She frowned but then a second later, she just smiled her usual bright one and cheerfully said, "I really love having deep and philosophical talks with you, Will. Thank you. You're awesome~"

And then she skipped away. As he watched her silhouette grow smaller and smaller, he felt his heart slowly breaking. No, this wasn't happening. He shouldn't be feeling this way. She was just his best friend, nothing more. There was no way he was falling for her. Didn't you just hear her? She said it was illogical to fall in love through here. Don't be stupid.

But no matter how much he denied, at the back of his mind, he knew what he was feeling, although he wouldn't like to admit it even to himself.

He was falling for his best friend and rival.

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