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Helllooooo?? Anyone here???....

Fine, I'll make my own then.

Theme: Romance

The thought of having him tonight was driving me insane. My heart was beating faster and faster as my hands were shaking while walking.

What are you doing here?
Nothing much, I just want to see your face again.
And what? Torture me again? Kill me? Or something worse? I had enough of being threatened because all I ever wanted was a normal life.
Oh I'll make your life normal again. If you'll be a good girl. Just don't do anything that I don't like.
For example?
Like telling your friends about this.

His knife quickly shifted through Hannah's neck and she fell to the ground with blood tracing down her body and the floor. I wanted to do something so badly but I can't move because fear was consuming my thoughts.

I knew that it was just him playing games with me but I see it and feel it was real.

This will happen.
Stop. I know we can talk through our minds and all but please, I don't want them hurt and I don't want them to feel scared. I will be good, just please. Don't.
Alright, if you say so Miracle.
Thank you.

Thank you? Why did I say thank you to that jerk? I felt a pinch in my cheek so I snapped out of my thoughts as I saw Roxy pinching my cheek. "Miracle, you look so cute when you just stare at nothing." She said.

"Oh, uh.. Yeah. I was just wondering what to do." I replied back not blowing my cover. "We're at the mall you idiot. We can do anything." Chad said who was behind me, giving me an entertained smirk.

I rolled my eyes and forced myself to smile and went inside a boutique. The dresses were amazing and I saw a cap with a big letter 'M'. "Aww, I wish I could buy one!! I don't have enough money!!" I said while carrying it and pouting.

"I'll buy them for you." Chad said behind me as he briskly grabbed the hat and paid for it.

It feels really strange because I'm blushing? Why am I blushing? Why am I blushing to a man who tries to kill me? No.. It can't be..

"It can't be what?" Someone said behind me so I quickly turned around seeing Chad with the cellophane. "Ugh, you heard it alright." I said as I snatched the cellophane before leaving the boutique.

I turned around at him for two seconds seeing him confused. "Thank you." I said before finally catching up with the others.

Chad's POV

What the heck? Did she just say thank you? To me? How pathetic for me to buy the stupid hat for her. Why did I do that? I wasn't paying attention to my senses. Could it be? Nah.. Yes?

I was just starring at her as she smiled at me before leaving the shop. She was catching up with her friends to go to the food court.

He's cute. Wait, what am I thinking?! He's a killer! Why am I thinking-- AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!! I mean, he was nice to me. Nice? NICE?! He tried to kill me about a million times then I'm just saying he's cute?! Gosh, Miracle! Wake up!

I smirked and followed up with them then I didn't realize what was happening everywhere because my eyes can only look and concentrate at her. You know those slow motion in the movies where your crush is doing something you find attractive? Yeah, that's happening.

Wait, crush? She's weak. Why would I call a weak and scared girl my crush?! She is indeed attractive, SHUT THE HECK UP! WHAT AM I THINKING?! I'M A KILLER, NOT A LOVER!!

Miracle's POV

I can hear his thoughts and I don't know what's my feeling. Am I supposed to be fluttered because he called me that I'm his crush? Or should I be upset because he called me weak?

I wasn't focusing in everything until I slipped over the slippery floor towards the food court. But I don't know if I could call it lucky that Chad catched me and we were both staring at each other's eyes and feeling each other's breath.

"I got you, you okay?" He asked with REAL concern on his eyes. "I.. Uh.. Yeah.." I said nodding while taking a big gulp. "You know what? You two look cute together!" Alexia exclaimed as she took a picture of us just staring at each other.

We quickly pushed ourselves away from each other and I put my left hand on the pocket of my jacket while the other scratching the back of my head. "He he.. He.." Both of us laughed nervously while avoiding eye contact with each other.

Do I really think I have the feelings for him?

My cheeks were absolutely blushing hot red and in a glimpse, I saw him blushing too.

Am I in love?

So, there you have it!! I am so so looking forward about making someone's suggetion. Please? Pretty please? And also please check out my other stories..

Should I make I Don't Talk To Strangers a reality? For some of you guys don't know yet, I have a draft story that is horror, comedy and mixed up categories. It has some bad words in it so it's only appropriate for kids who are open-minded.

But anyways, thank you for reading my second example and as you can see, it's romance. You can suggest ANYTHING like literally ANYTHING. Love, horror, magic, comedy, fanfiction and all sort of stuff.

Ok, bye!

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