Chapter Six (I'm Not Crazy)

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It's already 6 pm and I'm supposed to be going to my old school because it's our reunion with my elementary classmates. I got into my car and went to the park first because I had to fetch Ysmael, Mikaela, Kane and Hannah.

"Yo!! I haven't seen you in a while now!" Ysmael said as he jumped in the car immediately. "Me too." I said. Everyone was here already and so we drove off. "Wow, everything changed from the last day we were here." Ryzza said as she peeked out of the window.

The gate opened and I let the car enter. I parked the car in front of the heroes park. We got off and went to the gym. I ran to hug my other classmates and teachers. "It's been so long. And look at you, you're all grown up! I'm so proud of you!" Ma'am Carol said as she hugged.

I was her favorite student back when I saw at grade six. Kane interrupted us and quickly hugged Ma'am Carol. "Kane, how's Carlos?" Ma'am asked. "He's doing fine, things are great. I already am a mother." She answered.

My jaw dropped but my teacher was just smiling. "How about you Mjara?" She asked me. I shook my head to forget about it and I scratched the back of my head. "I.. Uh.. Still single but I'm hallucinating that I found the one." I answered.

She smiled and pat my hair. "Aww, it's ok. You'll never know if it was true." She said. I smirked and sat down at the chair while just starring at the floor trying to distract myself. Food has been served and I ate with Kane, Ysmael, and Cedrick. "So, how's the adult life?" Cedrick asked to break the silence.

"Stressed." Kane answered. "Simple." Ysmael answered. "Horrific." I answered. They all stared at me with a worried and confused look. "What happened?" Ysmael asked. "I don't know if I'm being haunted and all but strange things have been happening." I answered.

"You guys know Jack right? I've seen him for a while and we were talking and holding hands and all but it was not just him.. It was him and his egos. I saw Shneeplestien, Jackieboy Man, Chase, and Anti. Marvin's the one left. I can't stop thinking about itafter the incident." I added.

"Should I tell them?" Kane asked. "Tell them what?" I asked. "The dream." She answered. Shoot. I forgot I told her about the dream. I sighed and nodded. "Well, it's really long but I'll make it short. After the day she saw Shneep, she had a dream about Jack and they were meeting up with the others to have fun.

On the way, Anti appeared at the back but Jack mentioned Pizza so he also got hungry. They all ate together at this specific cafe then after eating, Anti killed the Chef and Waiter for making him wait too long. Jackieboy Man appeared then tried to chase Anti. Then suddenly, she saw everyone dead on the ground so she ran in fear in the dark

With only flickering street lights illuminating her way. She reached the dead end and she saw Anti slowly walking up to her but he disappeared. In a blink, Anti was already slicing her throat with his knife and Jack somehow survived and stopped Anti. She fell on the ground seeing Jack and

Anti fighting then she passed out. She regained energy and saw Jack on the ground dead with a bullet on his forehead, she ran up to him and of course cried. Then Anti shot her at her forehead then BOOM! Dead." Kane said.

"Well, I don't know if I call it short but it was shorter than Mjara told me." She added. "What the heck? What kind of dream was that?" Cedrick asked. "Exactly. I got traumatized after that dream then I saw Chase then he disappeared just like the others then now. I didn't mind about him." I answered.

"That's kinda cool and scary." Ysmael reacted. "You could say that." I said. I turned around then laid my arm to rest my head on. "I miss him. When will I ever find the one?" I whispered to myself. I grabbed some fruit punch and chicken leg. I ate a couple of more and finally felt my belly full.

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