Family Historian: Back at it again

38 14 33

once we go

Gen. 1

Blue - blueberryC04 Mother to Thunder and Dusk, grandmother to their children. Married to Penny

Penny praiiise Mother to Thunder and Dusk, grandmother to their children, Married to Blue

Fox - Mandalorianfox Mother to Poetry, grandmother to her children

Gen. 2

Dusk - toizer--  or Dusk667 Mother to Swift, Lion, Bunny, Night, Sol, Oan, Muffin, and Ducky. Daughter of Blue, sister to Thunder. 

Thunder - Thunderstar7 Father to Music, Trogon, Lotus, Stormy, Ori, and Red. Husband to Poetry. Son of Blue, brother to Dusk

Blue - bluefeladela Mother to Swift, Lion, Bunny, Night, Sol, Oan, Muffin, and Ducky. Sister to Warrior, Usis, Mina, and Jade

Jade - zaffreflare Sister to Blue, Usis, Mina, and Warrior. No apparent children.

Usis - usispotato Sister to Blue, Jade, Mina, and Warrior. No apparent children.

Mina - mina522 Sister to Blue, Jade, Usis, and Warrior. No apparent children.

Warrior - thatonewarriorsfan Sister to Blue, Jade, Usis, and Mina. No kids.

Gen. 3

Swift - Swiftflight Sister to Bunny, Lion, Sol, Oan, Night, Muffin, and Ducky. Mother to Sheepy. Daughter of Dusk and Blue

Lion LionstrideXD Brother to Swift, Sol, Bunny, Oan, Night, Muffin, and Ducky. father to Sheepy. Son of Dusk and Blue

Bunny Bunnytuft Sister to Swift, Sol, Lion, Oan, Night, Muffin, and Ducky.  Daughter of Dusk and Blue.

Sol Softie_Solitude Brother to Swift, Lion, Bunny, Oan, Night, Muffin, and Ducky. Daughter of Dusk and Blue.

Oanstitchology Sister to Swift, Lion, Bunny, Sol, Night, Muffin, and Ducky. Daughter of Dusk and Blue.

NightnIghtmare_nIghts Sister to swift, Lion, Sol, Bunny, Oan, Muffin, and Ducky. Daughter of Dusk and Blue.

Muffin Muffin324  Sister to Swift, Lion, Sol, Bunny, Night, Oan, and Ducky.  Daughter of Dusk and Blue. Mother to Feather.

Ducky FightingMyBattles Sister to Swift, Lion, Sol, Bunny, Night, Oan, and Muffin. Daughter of Dusk and Blue. Mother to 10 children including, Craze, Em, Panda, Owl, and more...

Music - Musicdevil Sister to Trogon, Lotus, Red, Stormy, and Ori. Daughter of Thunder and Poetry.

Trogon - Trogon33 Brother to Music, Lotus, Red, Stormy, and Ori. Daughter of Thunder and Poetry.

Lotus - Lotusquill Sister to Music, Trogon, Red, Stormy, and Ori. Daughter of Thunder and Poetry.

Red - redhystori Sister to Music, Trogon, Lotus, Stormy, and Ori. Daughter of Thunder and Poetry.

Stormy - StormyTheWolfCat Sister to Music, Trogon, Lotus, Red, and Ori. Daughter of Thunder and Poetry.

Ori - OriginalMidnightSky Sister to Music, Trogon, Lotus, Red, and Stormy.  Daughter of Thunder and Poetry.

Gen. 4

Sheepy - sheepflower Daughter of Lion and Swift. No kids.

Feather - Animal-Feather Daughter of Muffin. No kids

Craze - LLamaCrAzE Daughter(s) of Ducky. Mother of Ruby.

Gen. 5

Ruby - FuntimeRuby  Daughter of Craze. No kids.

that took three hours...

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