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'Along time ago I used to care, now - I don't and for some reason I don't care about that either...'



SEVEN; that name prompted a familiar thought I would never have thought I would think again much less feel. His jeans reminded me of Sun and her smile, and his smile reminded me of the things that I had left behind because it had been all too much.

There was something sad in his smile and there was something hopeless in his eyes – it was like he was trying to float with a tonne of bricks on top of him – just like me. Seven was majestic in his own way and that made me hurt because he reminded me of South and North.

It all gave me a gut-wrenching feeling and I was stuck not knowing why.

'Seven.' North's familiar grunt filled the air, followed by his strong arms that wrapped around my waist and pulled me into his warm chest. 'What did I just tell you?'

Seven gave him a slight shove – North didn't even move – and sent me a wink which made me smile slightly.

'You just said my name – I don't know if that counts as telling me something...' He trailed off when North's penetrating glare hit his skin 'Hey! Don't give me that look! I was just stating a fact!'

South started laughing and I found that my lips couldn't help but pull into an even brighter smile, North just growled at South, his chest vibrating in ways that sent shivers down my spine.

A smile played on Seven's lips, looking more like a smirk and a smile that he was trying to hide.

'Down boy.' South laughed, tossing a grape at North.

'Idiots...' North growled into my neck, inhaling and placing slight kisses wherever he could. His hand caught onto my hip and he dragged me away from them, ignoring Seven's protests.

'Love...' His deep voice bounced off the wall and hit my heart, the pain quivered, attacking me when it had recovered from the blow. 'I want to show you something...'

I nodded quietly, my hands twisting the front of my shirt until he came and grabbed it.

'We're just going to go for a little walk...alright?'

I nodded again but something about the way he was talking made me hesitate and wonder why he was acting so weird. Dread squirmed in the top of my stomach and I looked over him to make sure he wasn't hurt or anything.

'Calm down, little moon...' He murmured into my ear, his lips coming down to attack the side of my neck, 'I'm alright.'

I didn't bother to react; instead I sent him a watchful glance and continued walking through the house, to the backyard.

'I need to tell you this...but if you run...' His voice turned into a slight growl and that made me wonder if he was going to tell me the truth, 'I'm a L–'

'Finish that sentence and I'll kill you!' Evander's voice floated through the hard silence, smacking into North's ears and making him stand straighter.

Silence...thick, heavy impenetrable silence.

I winced slightly when a daring look crossed against North's face, hoping that Evan had enough sense to run. I was tempted to squeeze my eyes closed but I kept them open and specifically trained on North.

Silence with even more armour and densely packed air.

'Is that a threat,' I hadn't heard North's voice like this before, it was darker and there was something so dominating and scary about it that I felt the need to step back.

My Alpha Centauri (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora