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'I wish I had of never told her to get out because all I had ever wanted was for her to understand that I loved her more than she could ever know...'



MY DAD HAD LEFT WHEN I WAS FOUR, that's what Mum had told me and she had said that he was never coming back. Yet here he was, looking at me with powerful eyes and an aura that made me think he was one of them – that he was wild.


'She's not like me...' A deep voice crumbled through the air, 'She's not like Evan and she's not like Sun – why the hell isn't she?'


His eyes twinkled and that reminded me of too many things, then he started speaking and it was hard not to drown in his familiar voice and resurface at the same time.

'Say something! Please, Art!' Sun pleaded, her eyes strangely looking at me with so much regret.

I shook my head. I couldn't speak. I wouldn't speak. No. No.

'Art doesn't speak...' It wasn't Sun's voice, it wasn't my supposed father's voice – hell, it wasn't my voice yet I still had an idea of whose voice it was.


'I'll have to thank you, Artemis...you running away from my dear brother, made my job a whole lot easier...' His voice swirled around my ears and I stiffened when his body brushed against my back.


'Four brothers...Chīsana tsuki. One cold, one dead, one angry, one sad...the angry one, he hated his brothers, hated them because he did something he knew they would never forgive. Their mother was killed when they were young but the angry one had been there, he had been so scared of his father that he had done what the father asked – he had helped his father end his mother...He didn't want to but his father beat him so bad that he had no choice but to follow his demands. When it was done, he blamed it on the oldest brother and said that he helped father kill his mother but it was him – it had always been him. He ran away, hating the eldest brother and plotting ways to end him because he was jealous – jealous that the older one stood up to his father every time and he hadn't.' Sobo whispered, 'Remember this story, Chīsana tsuki...it will haunt you and it will cause you pain – I can't tell you it's importance now but when my time has come and you are grown. You will understand...The cold one is yours.'


'Yes, Chīsana tsuki...yours...he is all yours...'


When I looked into his eyes, my blood ran cold and my breathing stopped.


'Sobo!' Blood. Red. Everywhere.

A boy. He stared at me, his eyes dark and his lips cold. The knife was too heavy in his hands and with a sick dread, I realised something.

'What you do to her? Change it! Make the red stop! Make it stop!' Sobo. Sobo. Please. Please wake up.

'You saw nothing and if you damn did, I'll cut your tongue out and you'll never be able to speak about this again.'

'You hurt her! Fix it! Make it stop!'

He grabbed my hair. His hands cold and his fingers rough.

'That story. She told you about the four brothers?'

I shook my head, tears mixing in with the blood on my hands.

'Stop the blood! Stop the blood! Why? Why? Fix her! Fix her!' My screams fell on deaf ears and he smiled sickly at me – it scared me and I backed away from him, screaming even more when he pulled me back and made me stare into his sick eyes.

'Forget it. Forget that story about the four brothers and if you don't forget that story, you'll end up just like that whore over there.'

'No! No! Fix her! Make it stop! You took her from me! You took her from me! You can't! I won't let you!'

'Keep that mouth shut and I'll never bother you again!' Then he was gone and I was stuck with the blood. The red. It swallowed me.


'Help...' My voice cracked and my tears dried. She was gone. She was gone

Sobo. Gone. Sobo! No! NO! NO! NO!


I looked at him. I looked at Sobo's killer. I looked at him and anger so raw rose through my veins and ripped my heart.

NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! No.

'You didn't forget.' He cackled, his eyes; dark. His fingers; cold. His smile; sick.

I never will. I never will! I NEVER WILL! I NEVER FUCKING WILL!

'Shame you don't speak...I'm sure everyone would like to hear that story. Do you want me to say it for you? No. Oh that's a shame. I would have loved telling everyone about how you screamed and how the blood tainted your hands, like you did it.'

He grabbed my hair. Just like before. His hands cold and his fingers rough. But something in me twisted and that anger boiled so hot I knew whatever was about to happen – he would regret it.

His voice taunted but I didn't hang onto every word and every syllable. I forgot it. I let go of his words and it didn't hurt.

It didn't hurt.

'Who are you?' My father's voice was hard, and I called for North in my mind; wanting him and every type of comfort he brought. But it wasn't North who came – instead it was South.

He caught my eye, he was across the street – had a hoodie on and was looking at me with a broken stare that made my heart hurt so much.

'Who am I? Who am I? Tell them Art. Tell them who I am – oh right, I forgot. You can't speak...why is that Art? Why can't you speak? – Go on, don't be shy. Tell 'em!'

My head hurt. My hands shook. And my body was starting to not feel like my own.

'No...' South whispered, I didn't hear it but I watched his mouth move and his hands shake, 'No.'

His grip grew tighter and he pulled me closer to him, but I didn't want to move any closer to him so I ripped my arm out of his grip and turned around to face him.


A boy. He stared at me, his eyes dark and his lips cold.


Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT! STOP IT!

The howls started to hurt my ears, so I clasped my hands over my ears and screamed – hating how no sound ever came out.

Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT! STOP IT!

My eyes closed on their own accord but all I could see was the red.

It's everywhere. Red. Red. Stop it! Fix it! Make it stop!

My heart started to break again. Pulling pieces with them and making sure I shattered.





She spoke...

My Alpha Centauri (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now