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'It hurt to speak. But I like that hurt.'



I didn't know what happened next because all I could do was watch South's eyes widen and his cigarette fall to the ground, I think a van passed him, then he was gone and I think East grabbed me and threw me into the same van. But Sun's face disappeared and so did my supposed father's.

The red crawled over my skin but I tried to convince myself it wasn't there. I tried to breath but it was like there was this weight crushing my chest and stopping me from taking deep breaths.

Then my eyes felt heavy and sleep starting singing its alluring song.

No. Stay. Awake.

My body hurts. My throat hurts. My eyes hurt. Everything hurts – too much...


I can't speak. I won't speak. My voice doesn't sound. My blood doesn't hum. Stop it. Stop the buzzing sound. Someone help. Someone make it stop. Stop the silence. It's coming for me. Don't let it get me.


The first thing I saw was South; his eyes were red, and dried tears scratched his face. I didn't look at anything except for his body, except for the bruises and the blood littering his skin. This is my fault...

'Art.' He whispered, his soft eyes burning my own, 'Don't speak. Don't –'

'South-side...' His voice was a sound that I never wanted to get used to. It brought me through the times North always managed to take me out of. 'Did you miss me?'

A boy. He stared at me, his eyes dark and his lips cold.

'Don't call me that.' South's eyes hurt mine but I continued staring into them, not wanting to look at my surroundings because I knew what I would see. There was a light above us, it attacked the darkness that seemed to be coming from all corners and it illuminated the blood. Too much.

He laughed. He laughed. He laughed.

A boy. He stared at me, his eyes dark and his lips cold.

He pulled a chair in front of me, lazily lounging back in it and smiling sickly at me. That was his image; pretend to not care, mock them – make them uncomfortable.

'Tell me a story, Art – you're good at that; telling stories.' His smile grew and his dark eyes matched my own, but I couldn't speak. I couldn't.

Silence. Thick silence that made me miss North more than I already did.

'Fine. Be like that...Rem grab the knife.' His hands snapped out in front and a knife landed in his fingers. The dread squirmed up my stomach and I watched as he trailed the knife down South's chest. 'Still don't want to talk?'

South looked at me; his eyes firm and his posture ready.

'No. She doesn't want to talk.' South. No.

The next thing I saw caused the bile to worm its way up my throat and out my mouth.

He trailed the knife down South's chest, pressing at certain angles so that when he was done, my name rose from the blood. South looked into my eyes but I averted my gaze – this was my fault. I knew it hurt, I could almost feel it.

Red. No. South. Stop. Stop the red. Stop it! Stop! Make it stop! Too much red! Too much blood!

'Still don't?' I looked back into South's eyes and I told him I would but he looked into mine and he told me he won't.

My Alpha Centauri (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now