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I apologize for any mistakes

~enjoy <3

It was the next day, Sunday, and Louis was with his best friends at the coffee shop where one of them works at.

"Louis!" He snaps out of his daydreaming and jumps a little bit at the loud voice.

"Hm?" Louis hums, looking at Jesy.

"Forget about Harry. He's not worth your tears hun." He didn't deserve you." Perrie exclaims, patting Louis' small hand.

The blue eyed boy wanted to cry, but couldn't. He had no more tears left to cry, and he just felt numb. He wasn't complaining though, feeling numb was one of the best feelings in the world.

"Louis what do you wanna do today? It's the last day of spring break. You've been crying over him for almost a month, and we haven't done anything fun." Jesy states.

Back in Louis' mind he knew Jesy has a point. He's been been crying over this cheeky, hot, Bambi boy for pretty much a month now; he was so caught up in himself he forgot about his own best friends.

"We gotta do some work ladies." A familiar raspy voice chimes in. Louis and the two girls turn around and they all smiled, seeing their friend Lauren.

She made her way to their table, setting down their iced coffees on the hard surface. "Could hear you all a mile away, goodness." She jokes.

"Lauren, no." Louis says sternly

He knew Lauren too well and when Lauren says the word, 'work' it means to have a makeover. Obviously in her vocabulary though, work was something she had fun with, and considered fun.

It was her thing, giving advice and helping others grow confidence. Louis admired his best friend plenty, but sometimes he didn't have a problem with wanting to choke her.

"Louis, yes. That boy has put you through hell. Now, let's put him through hell, yeah?" Lauren suggests, adjusting the apron around her waist.

"Sounds good to me." Perrie agreed, nodding.

"I'm the Devil and I'll make him suffer! What shall we do?" Jesy asked in her 'evil' voice, smirking. Jesy was the type of girl that did many different accents, the Jamaican accent was iconic for the friend group.

Louis chuckles, and felt something bloom over his emotions other than numbness. The girls looked at him surprised to hear a noise come out of Louis like that. It's been a while since they heard their best friend laugh a bit. He shut out the world out and kept to himself after Harry had broke him.

"See, this is a start." Perrie pointed out. "We should hear that more often. We want our old Louis back, no more sad Lou." She smiles warmly.

"Oh no no," Lauren shakes her head. "The real shit will come after I'm done with my shift. I'll catch you later, but as of right now, gotta take orders." Lauren dismisses herself from the three of them.

"Welp, we're going back to school tomorrow." Louis pouts. He wanted spring break to stay forever, he didn't want to face Harry at school. Not after what happened, he was humiliated.

"Yep." Jesy rolls her eyes.


"I cannot wear this!" Louis complains and squats down and back up. He kept repeating the same gesture to stretch the jeans until he heard a few snickers behind him.

The friend group went to the mall after Lauren's shift, and they went in many different stores. Louis didn't bother remembering the names of the stores and tried on skinny jeans; it was the girls requests.

"Louis you look funny. Just stop." Lauren says between her giggles.

He huffs and observes himself in the mirror. He thought he actually didn't look too bad in the skinny jeans. He turns around and let his eyes wonder over his curvy body.

"Damn." He whispers, when his gaze falls on his ass, and his waist. Louis always knew that he had this type of body, he just didn't embrace it enough.

"Excuse me Louis but are you done admiring your ass?" Jesy blinks.

"We need more skinny jeans. Get light blue, ripped black jeans, and shorts. Definitely shorts." Lauren demands, undressing Louis with her eyes.

Lauren has the best style in the group. She knew fashion off the back of her hand, and she was always willing to help others out with their fashion when needed.

"Remind me why I need this, again?" Louis frowns, continuing to stare at his body in jeans. Louis wasn't really fond wearing jeans, it was always joggers or shorts that suited him best (or so he thought).

"We told you," Lauren pauses. "We're putting him through hell." She shrugs her shoulders and gets on her phone, scrolling through Instagram.

"After this we should go to VS." Perrie suggests.

VS? What's VS? Louis thought.

"I'm scared of you girls." He confesses and goes back to staring at his bum in the mirror. Sweatpants were the best thing he's ever worn. He was determined to keep it that way.

I am not going to replace sweatpants, He told himself.


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