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I apologize for any mistakes

~enjoy <3

"Louis you look good." A random girl walked passed Louis, giggling flirtatiously.

"Oh, thank you." Louis smiles, heading to his English class. Luckily it had been his last class for the day. He enjoyed English very much, but sadly his teacher is a douche.

It's been a week since Louis' last game and he was itching to play some more, the feeling of winning was Louis' favorite. He felt on top of the world when he did.

The bell had rung and Louis hurriedly walks to class. He was never late, but this time he was, thanks to Lauren who wouldn't shut up about his outfit and how he had to show off.

Louis had gotten many compliments and coos from people around the school. He was openly gay and no one really had a problem with it, in fact, a lot of people admired him. Some still hated him for u known reasons but he pushes through it.

Louis licks his lips nervously, stepping into his English class, he mentally thanks his teacher for leaving the door open. It would've been awkward to knock on the door in the middle of a lesson and have everyones eyes on you.

His heart beat speeds up in his chest as he goes straight for his seat. On his way to his spot, his name gets called out and he cringes, turning around slowly to give his teacher a fake smile.

"Y-Yes sir?" Louis squeaks.

"Why are we late today?" He spoke, lifting his glasses higher up on his nose.

Louis flushes from embarrassment, he was standing in the middle of his class, almost to his seat, but of course his teacher head to call him out and of course Harry had to be in this class.

Fuck, Louis thought.

"Hm?" Louis tried to act dumb.

"Are you deaf?" The teacher glares at him.

Louis raises both his eyebrows at the teacher's comment, finding it very offensive to the hearing impaired human beings out there in the world.

"Wait, hm?" Louis frowns.

"I said, are you deaf?" The teacher repeats.

"Uh, I cannot hear you." Louis cups his hand around his hear. "Say that again?" The class snickers at Louis' behavior.

"Now you're skating on thin ice Tomlinson. You need to be here on time, don't be late again, there'll be consequences." He narrows his eyes at Louis.

"This is the earliest I've been late." Louis says.

His classmates laugh, causing Mr. Buffman to become more irritated. Harry smirks in the back of the class, entertained by Louis' words.

"Detention Tomlinson, detention." He informs sternly.

"Lovely." Louis turns around to finally take a seat like he has been wanting to for the past three minutes. The teacher went back to teaching Norse Mythology.

Louis listened carefully, glancing around the room as his teacher spoke. His mind wondered off thinking about Harry, whose two people away from him. Louis still couldn't believe Harry cheated on him, the blue eyed teen thought everything was going great, strong even but he was wrong.

"So Louis," the teacher called out. Students heads turn to the back of the class, blinking at Louis.

"Yes, Mr. Buffman?" Louis spat.

"Tell me, which god was killed by mistletoe?"

Louis was a mythology nerd, no one knew that except Harry. Every Thursday Louis studied with the green eyed boy and helped him out to get his grade higher.

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