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I apologize for any mistakes

~enjoy <3

"It'll be a good life, keep your head high no matter what happens." Louis smiled, ending his almost ten minute speech. Harry listened to every word, tears were brought to his eyes; most people cried during the speech.

Louis shakes the principal's hand, taking his diploma and walks off stage with the biggest smile on his face, teary eyes.

They finally graduated.

After graduation was over, they all met up in the parking lot. Jay had on a nice dress, camera out, and makeup smudged everywhere with flowers pressed against her chest.

"My baby did it!" She cheers, giving Louis a big hug kissing his cheeks, most likely leaving red lipstick marks but that was okay with him.

"All my babies did it." Jay said to the other three girls by Louis' side. Jay then took pictures like crazy, her camera snapping pictures every five seconds. Louis eyes the school, feeling a bit sad.

"Good job you guys! I'm so proud of you!" Lauren's family praises, giving Louis and the girls hugs, kisses, and roses. Louis had received most roses from the girls in his graduation class, even though they knew he was gay it didn't stop them from trying to flirt with him.

"My parents are inside looking for us." Perrie announces, moving her thumbs everywhere on her phone.

"Louis, I want you to stay home. Do you really have to go?" Phoebe pouts.

Louis coos and kisses her temple. "I want to stay too, but I have to go. Trust me, you'll be wanting to go to college too Phoebe." Louis reassured her.

The blue eyed boy takes one last look around and smiles at people who used to cheer him on in the stands whenever he played football. People, who had his back in the hardest times, and people who always been his friends.

He was actually going to miss this place. Doncaster High made Louis who he was and helped him find himself.

"Lou we did it!" Before Louis could turn around to reply, someone jumped on his back, causing Louis to almost fall over. "We did it mate!"

"Yes Zayn, we did it!" Louis repeated, pushing Zayn off his back. The two looked at each other and leaned in for a hug. "Wanna smoke later?"

"Duh," Zayn says.

"Lou! Perrie's and Jesy's parents are here! One last group picture!" Louis heard Jay yell.

Goodbye Doncaster High.


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