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I apologize for any mistakes

~enjoy <3

~weeks later~

One more one more one more, Louis chanted in his head.

He runs towards the goal and kicks from there.

"Come on. Come on." He whispers under his breath. His eyes widen and light up when the ball went into the goal, hitting the net.

People from the stands cheer, scream, throw food in the air and stand up, clapping.

His teammates ran to him and chanted his name. Louis feels tears build up in his eyes as he realized that tonight was the last game, meaning that this is the last time Louis plays before he goes to college.

The last time he'll ever be on this field.

Tears stream down his face, as he saw his teammates crying, tears of joy and sadness. Louis did it. His teammates did it. His coaches did it. The coaches on the sidelines look really impressed this time.

"Love you guys!" Niall yelled, voice cracking and pulling his team into a big group hug.

What matters is the victory.

The rugby teams has their last game too, but they sadly lost. Coach wasn't too happy, but he praised the boys on their hard work.

The athletes went in the locker room and got dressed, some even showered, and soon enough it was empty. Louis left school grounds looking and smelling clean before getting in his mom's car, who waited outside for him.

Everyone drove home and talked about the game, Anne even called and congratulated Louis on his win tonight, feeling proud of the blue eyed teen.

"Graduation is in two more weeks." Jay claps her hands together, with a big smile plastered across her face. "My baby is all grown up now." She pouts.

"Ma, I'll visit you okay? I'll call everyday after school. I love you." Louis kisses her forehead.

That night, Louis and his family had a lot of fun. They took many pictures and went back to look at Louis' baby pictures, which made my Jay cry her eyes out.

Louis felt happy.

Harry on the other hand was at home chilling with Anne. "So what college do you wanna go to?" She questions, setting down her cup of tea with raised eyebrows.

"I want to go to University of London. Most people from school are going there." Harry answers flatly.

He wasn't sure if he really wanted to attend college, but he knew Anne would kill him if he didn't so he'll do whatever makes his mother happy.

"Mm, not bad." She says. "We're going to Jay's house tomorrow-"


"No buts, we are going." She declares with a stern look on her face. Harry huffs and bangs his head against the table. The last thing he wanted to do was face Louis Tomlinson again, let alone be in his house.

"Your fault for cheating on him Harry. I taught you way better than that. I still have no clue why you did that to him." Anne was shocked when she found out that Harry cheated, she was very disappointed in him.

Why would she say that? Harry thought.

He didn't think it was fair that his mom was 'hating' on him because he's her son, moms don't do that.

"I actually liked Louis," she paused. "I mean, I still do. In fact, I love him. He's a good kid Haz. You took that away from him, you took so much away from him." She exclaims, getting up from her chair and heads towards the kitchen.

He knew she was right but he doesn't care.

Harry rolls his eyes and stomps upstairs, flopping on his bed when he enters his bedroom. He grabs his phone to FaceTime his girlfriend, but after ringing her up more than five times, he gave up.

Maybe she's busy, he groans.

The curly haired teen decides to go to sleep instead.


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