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I apologize for any mistakes

~enjoy <3

"Holy shit! Holy shit-"

"Shush Louis, you're gonna wake everyone up." Harry shushed the blue eyed teen and unwraps his arms around Louis, covering his mouth with his hand.

"My girlfriend is somewhere in this house." He exclaims.

Louis rolls his eyes and bites down on Harry's hand, causing him pull it away from Louis and hiss in pain. Louis narrows his eyes and growls at him.

"Don't you ever touch me again!" Louis sassed him. He studied the room, their clothes scattered everywhere on the floor. Louis curiously lifted up the sheets and saw that he is butt naked.


He observes the nightstand and sees lube, but no condoms. He starts breathing heavily as he looked in the bin and didn't see a discarded condom.

He didn't know how ended up in a house, all he remembers was that after the campfire, most people went to another person's party and it escalated from there.

"W-We didn't use protection." Louis makes eye contact with Harry, his eyes widen. "Did we even sleep together last night?" Louis quizzed, tears filling his eyes.

Of course he was upset, how couldn't he be? He just wishes they were together to do this kind of stuff. Louis wasn't the type of person who did one night stands, he wanted something special.

"Yeah I think we did. Come here lemme see you." Harry mumbled, grabbing Louis by the hips. His blue eyes widen and immediately slaps Harry's  hands away from his naked body.

"Get your filthy, cheating paws off of me!" Louis whisper-shouts, sitting up from the bed, keeping the covers over his chest like a girl would.

He bends over, grabbing his boxers and winces as he felt a sharp pain in his lower back. He quickly sits up straight and quietly groans.

"Yep. We definitely slept together." Louis confesses with a sad sigh; he hopes Harry didn't hear it.

"Alright, we didn't use a condom-"

"We need to get tested." Louis suggested, quickly slipping on his boxers, eyeing Harry to make sure he wasn't looking.

"My girlfriend and I haven't had sex without condom so I'm sure we're fine." He informs, as Louis grabbed his discarded jeans.

"No. I want to get tested because if I find out I have some type of std," Louis pauses, and turns around, glaring at Harry. "I swear to god I will come in your room at night and cut your dick off." He threatened.

Harry looks taken back at Louis' words but quickly nods. "Okay, okay, we'll get tested." He said with a yawn, and then stretches.

Louis bites his lip and buttons up his jeans. He dresses his naked torso, putting on his blue button up shirt with his black boomer jacket over it.

He starts to become a little uncomfortable when got a feeling that someone's watching him. He hesitantly turns around and sees Harry already staring back at him.

"Perv." Louis mumbles quietly. Harry laughs and sits up from the bed strolling towards Louis with his naked figure. As he gets closer and closer to Louis, he tries hard to not look at his cock.

"You're naked. You're very close to me. I don't like it." Louis pushes at Harry's chest, moving past him and grabs his phone off the nightstand and shoes that are by the door.

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