ragini entry

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          Soulmate 😍

                 Part - 2

Recap ( Sanlak masthi...trio introduction.... Ragini transfered to laksh college )

After lots of gossips... Sanlak eagerly waiting to see her face....both opend their mouth when they saw the same girl in their class who they met under flower shower nd disappeared in fraction of second... Not only sanlak but also everyone in that class gaze on her... She is gulping in fear cz of their gaze...its lil uncomfortable to her...  Sanlak staring ragini while placing hand on their chin

Ragini closed her eyes sanskar lips turns to curve...ragini bites her lips laksh losted his chin balance ...he hits on swara...

Swara who playing in mbl distracted by laksh... Wt the hell lucky 😡😡 she is shouting... But no response from laksh side... She noticed sanlak not in the world lost somewhere else...

Wr were they looking like this she looked on that side... Her eyes freezed for an sec... 😍😍😍... She stand on bench nd shout loudly

Raginiiiiiii 😍😍😍

Ragini jerked nd saw swara.... Her lips turns to curve .. 

Here sanlak hold their ears prevents from blast due to her loud speaker....

Swara jumped down nd rushed near to ragini like a mad....

Sanlak looking each other shockingly wts going on here look ?

Swara gave bone crushing hug to ragini... Even air cant pass inbetween them... Ragini respond back to her in happy...

Everyone looking them strangely...

Swara made ragini rounding without broking hug.... Ragini trying to free herself from swara but went in vain...

Sanlak signald something then rushed near to them...laksh held swara nd sanskar ragini..she broked hug...

Ragini taking deep breath... Swara dancing like a mad by surrounding the trio... While singing my ragini aagayi...my ragini agayii.... My princess came... My doll came..

Everyone looking her in disguisting way... Ragini looked around nd stopped swara... No response ..

Swaraaa ..... She shout... She came back to sence... 

She looked around ... Sanlak giving wt the hell look towards her... She gulped in a fear... No more embarrassment she held ragini hand nd dragged out of the class..

Sanlak looking each other confusedly then followed her ...

Swara leave my hand wr r u taking me with u ??

I will tell raginiii.... Keep running...

Hey y did u pulling me like this...

Ragini wait wait.... She left her hand when both reached garden... Benches were placed on there for students...

Both ragini nd swara taking deep breath...

R u mad swara ?? Y did u take me here ??

Soon sanlak too reached... R u mad swara y did u take her here ?? They asked to her while taking heavy breath...

5 sec later... Everyone sitting on bench...which were placing opposite side ... Sanlak sat opposite towards swaragini...

Now tell swara ?? Who is she ?? Y did u take her here ??

Swara side hugging ragini nd resting her head on her shoulder...

Arrey swara y dont u allow her to breath for sometime sanakar said... Ragini smiled lil...

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