tit for tat (2)

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         Soulmate 😍

         Part - 12

Recap ( culturals programme , kavitha planned against ragini ...ragini sang well...laksh took revenge on kavitha for her deeds )

Sceen begins with laksh winning smile , his gaze turns towards ragini who is coming near to laksh

He staring her without taking his eyes off , laksh she called him in low voice

Yup ragini...

She about to ask something laksh placed his index finger on her lips ...

U sang very well ragini , i must say ur voice is bliss 😍 everyone drenched in ur melodious song , no need to think abt competition result  u will win the title he said with long lasting smile

Ragini too smiled... She removed his finger... Do u really like my song laksh ?

Noo ragini he teased her... Ragini turns to sad ,

Infact i loved it ragini...he replied

Ragini face lights up... They losted in their eyelocks ,

Suddenly his mbl rangs... Their eyelocks interrupts .... He picked it hello

Lucky wr r u come asap  sansky said nd cuts the call immediately

Ragini looking laksh tensed face , laksh wt hpnd ?

Dont knew ragini sanskar asking me to come to dispensary asap his voice is seemed to be tensed...

Laksh y did u waits for come lets go nd check once ...hmm he nod nd rushed to there...

They reached there nd shocked to see swara leg fractured ...

Raglak paniced , swara wt hpnd to u? How did u got wounds in ur legs?

Wo laksh i got call from an unknown no ...opposite caller informed to me that laksh is waiting for me in ground floor so i rushed down unfortunately my legs slipped

Wt nonsence swara i didnt ask anyone to call u ? Infact i was near stage to support ragini

Matlab who called me ?

Laksh something is fishy ragini said...

Yup correct ragini ...u plz stay near swara we will be back by saying this laksh dragged sanskar with him...

They found oil in staircase... So its confirm sansky someone intentionally done this to swara for not allowing her to participate in competition but whom?

Its me kavya said to kavitha who is crying...

Wt r u saying kavya ?

Yes kavitha its me called swara nd asked her to come to ground floor in this mean time i poured oil in staircase, my good time she slipped down

How mean kavya Is she got injured badly

I dont care kavitha how dare she to snatch my position ?

I will never allow anyone dare to go near my laksh he is mine ... She knew very well na how much i craved to get my laksh attention through this dance practice , i joined in dance class for him only...finally i got chance to dance with him but that bloody swara snatched that from me , i am not a coward to stay silent like u in my laksh matter
... See u thinked brainlessly thats y ragini sang well , ur plan backfired to u ...

Dont tease me kavya... I really dont knew how that juice glass changed...

Thats none of my business kavitha the fact is u nd ur idea flopped infront of ragini , she got good name from ur sanskar...

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