Part Forty

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I'd been told it was a week since I'd woken up in the hospital.
Every day I had visits from my Brother's and usually Kylie as well.
Keegan had informed me on more than one occasion that Zander sits outside my door, every day, without fail.
My heart gets a vice tight grip on it every time I think of Zander being on just the other side of the door that I cannot see thanks to the blackness.
Scan's have told the Doctor's that the swelling on my brain has gone right down.
But that hasn't changed the fact that every time I peel my eyes open, all I see is black.
For the last few days (or what I've been told are days), Nurse's and a Specialist Team have been trying to coax me out of the hospital bed and get me moving around the room.
For one, I was getting sores on my butt and the backs of my legs from spending so much time sitting/laying, terrified, in bed.
For two, there was a high chance I was going to have to learn to get around, eyes or no eyes.
My world seemed to spin as I tried to have some faith in the universe and the virtual strangers around me.
I could no longer feel the solid safety of the bed behind me.
The stupid stick they wanted me to hold, was clutched firmly by my right hand, but I was shaking like a leaf and therefore the end of the stick was tapping away at the hospital room floor, like a Wood Pecker trying to get through a tree trunk.
My breath's were coming in short, sharp pants and my chest felt like it would cave in on itself at any given moment.
It's useless!
"Another step."
A cool, but gentle, female voice urged.
At just the mere suggestion, I grew light headed.
Another fucking step?
I can't see where I'm going!
"This is useless!"
I screamed and threw the stupid stick.
Something clattered and then something smashed.
I flinched, stumbling backwards at the intensified sounds.
My body shook as the now quite familiar panic set in.
My lungs wouldn't work properly.
I was gasping, but no oxygen would enter.
"Bailey calm down."
A smooth voice insisted.
Somebody's hands went to touch my arms and I snapped out of my foggy haze to slap them away.
I don't need strangers touching me!


"Bit of help in here!"
One of the voices from inside Bailey's Hospital Room called out.
I physically cringed.
So yet another of the O.M sessions hasn't gone very well then.
The loud crash gave it away fairly good that things weren't working, anyway.
I looked across the small corridor to where Keegan was slumped against the opposite wall, practically mirroring my own position of sitting on the floor, feet planted on the slick floor, knees bent and his head tipped back against the solid wall.
His expression was entirely troubled as he stared towards the closed, dark blue door, his blue eyes filled with worry.
"We really should be helping her Zan."
He whispered, his voice hoarse.
I swallowed thickly.
"She doesn't wanna see me Kee."
She made that perfectly clear a week ago.
Yet, apparently being a glutton for punishment, I kept bringing myself back here each day.
I never came closer than just outside her door, not having the guts to pressure her to see me.
I squeezed my eyes shut.
Thank fuck I wasn't in front of her and that word was only in my head, not slipping off my tongue.
The Doctor's were still telling us her vision hasn't improved.
A Doctor wearing green scrubs came walking briskly down the corridor, a couple of Nurse's in blue hurrying after him.
Keegan and I both scrambled to our feet, me stumbling a bit because it had been so long since I'd been on my feet and in my haste to get out of the way.
"What's going on?"
Keegan asked.
The Doctor didn't even glance at him as he pushed the Hospital Room door open, slipping quickly inside.
One of the Nurse's quickly followed the Doctor, but the second, a red headed woman, paused to look over at us.
"You May want to go out to the waiting room."
She informed us.
"Somebody will come talk to you soon."
With that, she hurried into the room, closing the door with a click behind her.
I slumped against the wall, letting my eyes slide closed.
There's never any answers around here!
"For fuck sake!"
Keegan seethed.
I peeled my eyes open to look across the hallway at my best friend.
"How the fuck are we supposed to help her?"
My best friend all but whispered.
That was the million dollar question.

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