First Encounter

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"Umm so I was just wondering if you would go out with me this Thursday? It's my 16th Birthday!"

"Ya sure, that sounds great. I'll come pick you up at 2PM."


You sit next to Nick at the table where your playing the Dragon Ball Z card game. Your ex got you hooked on it, and even though your not together anymore you still play. Unfortunately so does he. You still don't understand why he broke it off. He was your first love and you miss him everyday.


It's the week of spring break, so you don't have school to worrie about. You slip into a pair of jeans and a sexy little halter top you just bought. It's noon and your already super nervous. Your family, if that's what you wanna call them, didn't celebrate your birthday anymore. So you were just gonna go out with Nick and see how the night went.

You close your bedroom door and head down the stairs to the living room, passing your stepmom who's in her office.

"Where are you going?" She asks as you walk by.

"My friend Nick is gonna pick me up and take me out for my birthday."

"Oh ya that's today. Well happy birthday." She says as she takes a drag from her cigarette, not bothering to look at you.

You roll your eyes and go sit on the couch, turning on the TV. Your nerves getting worse and worse as time ticks by.

Finally it's 2PM. You get up and walk to the door, looking out the small window at the top. You don't see him, so you pull out your cell to see if he has texted... nope.

"No big deal, he will be here!"

After another 30 minutes go by, so you text him and ask if he's still coming.

"I'll be there" is all he says.

You pace the living room as fear builds in your gut.

"I thought you were leaving" your stepmom asks as she gets up to go to the kitchen and fix herself another drink.

"I am... he's just running late!"

She hums in response and goes back to her office with her fresh beverage.

As 6PM sets in and a lot of texts sent by you. You realize that you were stood up... on your 16th Birthday of all the days.

You head back up to your room and cry yourself to sleep.


When Saturday rolls around you grab your card deck and head to the meeting spot for another game.

When you walk in... there is Nick. He's  sitting down with two of your mutual friends laughing as if nothing happened. You fake a smile when he looks at you, but your eyes say it all. You were hurting... You were breaking.

Once the game started you won the first round and so next you played against Nick. You sat down in the chair across from him and set up your deck. "You ready" he asked. You nod and begin.

"So Nick what happened to you on Thursday?"

"Some friends came over, then I fell asleep"

Your heart shattered. "It was my birthday Nick. You could have at least called me if you wernt gonna come. I waited all day for you."

"I'm sorry" is all he said, then chuckled as if it was all a game to him.

He won the card game you were playing, so you were out. You usually watched the other players till the end to see who won, but not today. Today you packed up you things and left without saying bye to anyone.

Broken {Trafalgar Law X Reader} AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant