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2 weeks seemed to fly by. You only have 2 days left with Law.

You said your goodbyes to Kid and Killer yesterday. They wanted you to have the last two days to spend with your fiance.

You suddenly wake at 5AM with terrible heartburn.

You lay in bed holding your stomach and breathing in and out slowly.

All the sudden the urge to vomit overtakes you and you run to the bathroom, lifting the tolit lid just in time to empty your stomach into it.

As you sit on the floor and continue to throw up, you suddenly feel a hand on your back.

"Are you okay baby?"

"No!" You whimper out in between gags.

Law looks on with concern, but doesn't really think anything serious is wrong. You just had a really bad case of heartburn.

You try to drink some water, but you just throw it up too.

Law grabs a washcloth out of the cabnit and wets it.

He dabs your forehead and cheeks with the cool cloth.

You stay like this for about an hour till you feel like your gonna be okay and Law carries you to the bed, laying you down.

He covers your exhausted body and kisses your forehead.

"Let me know if you need anything (y/n)-ya!"

You smile "I will, thank you Law!"

You soon drift off with your head on Laws leg, as he rubs your head.


You wake about 2 hours later. Your body weak and achey.

"Law" You call when you reach over and dont find the ravenette.

You hear footsteps coming down the hall and the door opening.

"Hey baby!" Law says as he makes his way to the bed, sitting down next to you.

Hey caresses your cheek and feels your forehead, checking if you have a fever.

"Well you feel okay!"

"I still wanna throw up!"

Law looks at you with concern and caring eyes. "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

You nod your head as you wrap your arms around yourself and start to cry.

Being a med student, Law wasn't overly concerned. He was thinking it was just a really bad case of heartburn, but you were scared and he could sense that. If you wanted to go to the hospital then he would gladly take you.

Law carries you to the car and helps you put on your belt, placing a blanket over you.


When you arrive at the hospital Law refuses to let you walk and carries you inside.

He carefully sits you in a chair, handing you a bag to vomit in and fills out your paperwork for you.

Once he's done he finds you hunched over in your chair, emptying your stomach once again in the little blue vomit bag they gave you.

Law sits next to you and rubs your back.

You look up at him with tears in your eyes and a very pale face.

"I wish it would stop!"

Law pulls you into his lap and rubs your back.

Broken {Trafalgar Law X Reader} AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora