Change Of Plans

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You woke the next morning feeling quite sore, but we're incredibly happy to be in Laws arms once again.

You had made plans to spend the day at the park, having a picnic and just being together.

But mother nature has a twisted since of humor and lastnight while you slept, a massive cold front came through and there was a foot of snow outside.

When Law pulled the curtains back, and you were greeted with the white powdery substance, your heart sank.

"Are you serious right now?" You pouted as you stood, wrapping the blanket around yourself and walking over to the window.

Law wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead. "It's okay, we can find something else to do today!"

"Law I didn't bring any winter clothes with me!"

"Then i guess we need to go shoping"

You smile and peck his lips. "I'm gonna jump in the shower. You should order us some breakfast!"

You drop the blanket that was covering your naked body and run your hand down Laws torso and rub his dick through his pants. He groans and you peck his lips once more before you turn and head for the shower.

"Tease!" You hear law say as you walk off, making you giggle. Law watches your retreating form, till you close the door. "God I love that women!"

Law sits on the bed and picks up the phone to order room service.

You click on the Pandora icon on your phone and music fills the room as you turn the hot water on. Once you get it to a comfortable temperature you climb in and emerse yourself in the music and soothing water.


When you exit the bathroom, Law is dressed in what he had on yesterday since you caught him after class. He had on a pair of light blue denim jeans and a white tee shirt. His hair was messy, but you loved it that way.

It never mattered to you what he wore, he looked sexy in everything... and nothing.

You were wearing a pair of blue denim jeans, tucked into mid calf black boots and a (f/c) button down tee shirt.

Law stands, leaving the tray of food on the table and walks over to you. "No matter how many times I see you, you always take my breath away!"

Law presses his lips to yours in a lingering kiss. "Lets eat" you nod and sit at the seat across the table from him.

"So do you wanna go to the mall which is on the other side of town or to the Wal-Mart that's down the street?"

"Hummm, let's go to Wal-Mart! I have an idea for our date today!"

Law chuckles at your adorable smile. "Are you gonna share this idea?"

"Nope" your smile gets bigger, as you take a bite of your bacon.

"Okay (y/n)-ya, I'll let you keep your little secret for now. And I'll keep mine." A smirk graces his lips at his last statement.

"Wait... what secret? Do you have something planned as well?"

"More or less"

You pout "your not gonna tell me are you?"


You stare eachother down till you both burst out into a fit of giggles.

"Okay bad girl, let's go" Law stands and grabs your purse off the chair, handing it to you. You take it and slide the strap over your shoulder. You go to turn, but stop halfway and turn back to face Law once more.

Broken {Trafalgar Law X Reader} AUWhere stories live. Discover now