Enter The Hot Head

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Today is October 6th once again, but Law wasn't able to come home.

You decide to surprise him and take a few days off and drive the two hours to Raftel and spend Laws birthday with him.

Law hasn't been able to come home for a visit since school started. His classes were hard and he always had homework or he had to study for an exam.

You did video chat everyday, and that helped, but you needed to be in his arms. It's been to long since you've felt his touch on your skin, and his lips on yours.

You smile real big as you climb into the driver's seat of your car, and start your journey to your beloved.

You googled the school to get directions. Since your gonna surprise Law you couldn't ask him, how ever he did tell you the name of his dorm and his room number in the many conversation you've had over the past 2 months.

You only stop once to use the restroom and go ahead and fill your gas tank. You have been planing this for two weeks now, ever since Law told you he couldn't make it back. He has been picking up any extra classes or cram sessions. He was gonna attempt to graduate 2 years early, so he can be home with you once again.

Your phone rings when your about 10 minutes from the school. You look over to it as it rests on its holder that's clipped to the vent.

You see Laws face grace the screen.


You were hoping to get there without him calling, but it was time for him to get out of class for the day. You hesitate, but reach over and press the answer button on the steering wheel to activate your bluetooth, turning your speaker system into your phone.

"Hi babe I can't talk right now I'm about to jump in the shower. I love you, bye."

Without even giving him a chance to speak you hang up.

"What the fuck just happened?" Law asks himself as he looks down at his phone, seeing the words call ended flashing. "She's never to busy to talk to me!"

Law was walking back to his dorm when he tried to call you, but stopped in the middle of courtyard when you hung up.

"What's the matter Law? Bonney asks upon seeing the confused look on Laws face as she approached him.

"Hey Bonney-ya! It's nothing I'm sure! I just tried to call (y/n)-ya, but she said she couldn't talk."

"That is weird you are always all lovey dovey when y'all talk. At all hours of the day and night."

"Hey I warned you the first time you decided to stay the night, that sometimes we talk in the middle of the night."

"I can't wait to meet her!!! You should ask her to come visit sometime."

"Ya I should, she would probably like to see it, and meet you guys."

"Hey guys, what's up?" Law and Bonney both look over at the sound of Penguins voice, and see him and Shachi walking towards them.

"Pengy" Bonney shouts and jumps into the man's arms and kisses his lips. "How was class? I missed you this morning."

Penguin holds her waist and kisses her again. "It was good, and I missed you too. Maby you can stay the night tonight."

"Okay" Bonney smiles real big. Bonney met Penguin on the first day of class when she went to bug Law again. She instantly fell head over heels for him, and they have been dating ever since.

You pull up to the school and find a place to park. There are so many people outside walking around and so many buildings. Your starting to wonder how your gonna find Law.

Broken {Trafalgar Law X Reader} AUWhere stories live. Discover now