Back To Reality

840 30 28

You watch as Law disappears into a big building, and you start the engine, trying to hold in your tears.

You can't take the pain anymore and your tears fall like a river from your eyes.

You have your face burried in your hands, and pressed against the steering wheel. You hear a tap on the window.

The sound startles you and you whip your head towards the sound. You rub your eyes to clear your blurry vision.


The red head staring down at your distraught form through the window.

He jerks the door open and pulls you from the car, hugging you tightly.

"Do I need to kick his tanned ass? Because you know I will!"

"No" you say with a shaky voice. "I-Im just gonna miss him so. muu..uch."

You clutch into Kids shirt and cry your eyes out as your brother soothes you.

You start to calm your breathing as your tears become less and less. You pull back away from Kid.

"I'm okay now Kid, thanks"

"I'm sorry we lost contact, but now that I've found you again." Kid smirks "Your stuck with me, even if you choose to date the surgeon of death."

"Uuuum about that...

"He didn't just break up with you did he? Is that why your crying? I'll go kick his ass right now!" Kid starts to pull away, but you grab his arm, stopping him.

"No Kid.... He proposed... we're gonna get married!!"

Kids mouth dropped open and the look of shock on his face caused you to giggle.

"Hey firecracker... I'm coming home for Christmas this year. Killer and I both."

"Okay... so where is home these days?"

Kid shrugs his shoulders and smiles "What's your address?"

You eyes widden and you smile brightly "Really Kid, your gonna come to my home?"

"Where ever you are is home to us now. I've lost everyone else, so you" Kid places his big hand on top of your head. "And Killer are all I have left."

"That sounds wonderful Kid! I can't wait to see Killer again and have you both at home."

You hug the red head once more. "Don't cry sis, we will all see you in December."

You nod your head, pull back and smile. "That sounds great, I'll let Law know next time I talk to him."

Kid kisses the top of your head and you climb into your Neon and head for home.


You pull into your driveway and sigh as you see lights on all over the house.

"I wonder who she has at the house?"

You decide to leave your luggage in the car and worry about it tomorrow. You don't have to go back to work till late tomorrow.

You grab your purse and search for your house keys. When you find them, you drag yourself from the car and into your house.

"Lisa I'm home"

You shut and lock the door as she comes around the corner, tears streaming down her face. The first thing you notice is her lip is spilt on the bottom left side, dried blood stuck to it. Then your eyes catch notice of a very dark and swollen black eye.

Broken {Trafalgar Law X Reader} AUWhere stories live. Discover now