Let Me Love You

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"I love you (y/n)"

Laws heart was beating so fast as he finally admitted his feelings for you. He stares into your eyes as he awaits your response.

"I love you too Law, but it wouldn't work between us!"

Law couldn't believe what he was hearing. You loved him back, but you don't wanna be with him.

"Why do you say that (y/n)-ya?"

"For one I'm to broken for you to fix even if you wanted that. Parts of my heart have been reduced to dust, and you can't fix dust."


"And your about to leave to go to medical school. Your gonna be 2 hours away for 6 years, how is that gonna work?"

"Are you done making excuses (y/n)-ya?"

You cross your arms over your chest and pout "I'm not making excuses" you mumble.

"Please give me a chance to prove to you my feelings, and how I know I can make it work between us. Please (y/n), let me love you."

"Can we go in so I can shower and change clothes? We can talk more about this tomorrow. I'm sore and tired."

Law sighs "Ya, sure. If that's what you want!"

Law let's go, and you both climb out of the car and go into the house.

"You go collect some clean clothes. I'm gonna run you a bath."

"Thank you Law... for saving me!"

You kiss his cheek and go into your room, closing the door behind you.

Law cleaned out his spare room for you a few days ago. You and Law made plans that you would move in with him when you turned 18. He didn't want you living in the toxic environment that is your parents house anymore.

Law opens the door across the hall from your room to enter the bathroom and start your bath.

You stand in front of the full length mirror in just your bra and panties. You have a few minor scrapes on your arm from where you landed on the pavement and a small cut on your cheek bone from the slap.

Tomorrow you probably would have bruises on your wrists and your ankle from his intense grip on them.

The deep bruises around your neck told you that he could have killed you. His hold was so strong that you could see the impressions of each finger.

Your thoughts go to Law and the intense anger you saw on his face. He really must love you to have come saved you like that.

You put your hand over your mouth as you start to cry, and you hear a soft knock on the door.

"Are you okay (y/n)-ya?" Laws voice full of concern.

You let out a soft "No", but he hears you, and opens the door. Law sees you standing in front of the mirror sobbing. You being mostly naked didn't faze him right now, his only thoughts were on your mental and emotional well being.

Law stands behind you and places his hands on your shoulders, so he doesn't frighten you. You turn and bury your face in his neck. Your crying so hard now that it's getting hard to breath, and Law can sense it.

"You have to try to calm down a bit, or you will pass out from not breathing properly.

"Hold me Law" you say between tears

You didn't need to say more before he wraps his strong arms around you and pulls you close to him.

"Shhh, I got you now. Do you wanna lay down?"

Broken {Trafalgar Law X Reader} AUWhere stories live. Discover now