All Of Me...

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When you wake the next morning your alone in Laws bed. You smile and sit up as you relish in the memories of lastnight. You can't believe that you and Law are actually together now.

You get up and go use the restroom. As your walking out you stop when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. The bruises on your wrists have set in and the ones around your neck are even darker. You look down and see you have a bruise around your ankle as well.

You have a black eye from where the cut is on your cheekbone. You want so badly to cry, but you hold it together. Your not gonna give that bastard anymore of your tears. You know the bruises will fade with time and so will the hurt your heart feels at such utter betrayal.

You take a few deep breaths and decide to head to the kitchen.

As you make your way down the hall you hear soft music playing, and the smell of bacon cooking hits your senses. You stop and lean against the wall when you see Law in the kitchen wearing only a dark pair of denim jeans, as hes cooking breakfast.

You let your eyes travel his perfect body. You still feel like he could do much better than you, but you love this man so much. If your gonna be selfish at least once in your life it's gonna be for Law.

He feels your presence and turns with a seductive smirk playing on his lips.

"Happy birthday (y/n)-ya" he puts the spatula down and makes his way over to you. You push off the wall and take a few steps to meet him. "Mmm, you look so sexy in my shirt."

You blush as you look down, "Thank you!"

Law chuckels and tips your chin, making you look him in the eye.

"I love you bad girl!" You smile and place your hand on his chest, tracing his tattoo with your fingers.

"And I love you bad boy!"

Law leans down capturing your lips. It doesn't take long before you both part your lips, and your tounges meet. As soon as you feel his wet muscle massaging your, your heart explodes with love and your whole body heats up. Your hands slide up his body and your fingers get lost in his silky raven hair.

He places one hand on the back of your neck to deepen the kiss and the other moves from your waist, up your side and gropes your breast. Your body tenses at the sudden contact and Law breaks the kiss, releasing his hands from your body.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that!"

Law turns to go back to the stove, but you quickly grab his hand, stopping him. He doesn't turn back to look at you.

"Law I" you take a deep breath "I haven't had sex with anyone before. I've been holding out for you!"

There it is... you finally admit it, not only to Law, but to yourself as well. Law slowly turns to face you.

"Law I've been in love with you for over a year now, but was afraid to admit it. I thought you would reject me. I've been holding on to my purity in hopes that you would take it. I'm just not there yet, with the attack yesterday and all.

You let his hand go and a few tears slip from your (e/c) orbs. He brings his hand up to cup your cheek.

"I fully understand the fear you feel after yesterday, and I promise you that will never happen again. (Y/n), I've been in love with you for a long time now as well, and like you I was afraid to admit it. I didn't want to lose you either. You should also know I still have my purity as well. I've been waiting for the one who loves me for me and not just my appearance, and that's you. I will wait for you to be ready to give yourself to me completely, there's no rush. Your mine now, and that's all I've ever wanted. Sex is just a bonus... a great one, but not the most important part of you."

Broken {Trafalgar Law X Reader} AUWhere stories live. Discover now