Laws Birthday

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Today is Friday October 6th and you were bouncing in your seat with excitement as you waited for the bell to ring, so you could go find Law.

You stare at the clock on the wall as it ticks ever. so. slowly. As soon at it hits 3:15 the bell sounds. You shove your book in your bag, then toss it over your shoulders and run down the hall, pushing the double doors open and going down another hall.

You see Law before he sees you as he is coming out of his classroom. You lunge at him, nocking him to the ground. Lucky for you this was in a small building with not a lot of people in it. Law wraps his arms around you as you hug him tightly.


You kiss his cheek before pushing yourself off of him, and helping him to his feet.

"Thanks (y/n)-ya"

"Sooooo we should go back to my place first so I can grab your gifts, then you pick a place to go eat... my treat birthday boy."

Law chuckles at your excitement on his behalf. "Okay, sounds good"

Law had just bought a car with the money he had been saving up and now he took you to school in the morning and dropped you home at night. You tried to avoid your home life at all coasts.

You knew your parents would be drunk and start in with the insults on how your not smart enough, or how you needed to lose weight. Sometimes just outright calling you stupid.

When you pull up to your house, you sigh before grabbing the door handle. Your stopped when Laws hand grabs your shoulder.

"Do you want me to go in with you (y/n)-ya?"

"No I'm just gonna be quick. Don't bother turning the car off!"

"Okay, please hurry. I hate when your home. I worrie about you so much."

"Thanks Law" you lean over and kiss his cheek. "Your a great friend"

You open the door and run into the house. You don't stop to say anything to your stepmom as she sits in her office. You rush up the stairs and toss your backpack on the bed and grab the two packages on your desk.

When you turn around to leave, your stepmom is standing on the doorway, drink in hand.

"Where do you think your going?"

"It's Laws birthday, so I'm taking him out."

She nods and hums as she looks you up and down. "You should really lose some weight (y/n)."

God here we go

"Ya, you tell me that all the time."

She lifts her shirt to expose her stomach. "Look I'm skinnier then you, and I'm old."

Your heart chips off at each insult. Soon there will be nothing left of you except a hollow shell of a broken women.

"Can I go please, Law is waiting for me?"

She steps aside and you brush past her. She grabs your arm, stopping you. Her grip tightens as you try to pull away. "You better not get pregnant (y/n)."

"Laws just a friend, and I'm still a virgin, not that it's your business!"

She lets you go, and you race down the stairs as the tears threaten to spill. You take a deep breath before you walk out of your house, so Law won't know anything happened.

You force a smile as you get back into the car. Law knows something is wrong. Your smiling, but your eyes give you away everytime.

"Everything okay (y/n)-ya?"

Broken {Trafalgar Law X Reader} AUWhere stories live. Discover now