Hope the Stars Are On My Side

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Hermione's POV (Okay from now on if it doesn't say it's anybody's POV it's Mione's mk?)

Today was the end of this sorrow and pain. I was going to go and attempt the impossible.

I'm going to befriend Draco Malfoy.

Yes. I said it. Today I'm going to meet up with Malfoy in an empty classroom. Gryffindor bravery Mione, Gryffindor bravery. 

Herbology was my last class until the end of the school day. I sent a letter to Malfoy to meet me at 6:45 in an abandoned classroom. I asked all of my friends to bet on whether or not he'll come. Almost everyone bet at least a Galleon that he wouldn't come.

I hope not. It was only 5:00, so dinner would be starting soon. I plopped my bag onto my bed, sighing. This isn't gonna work, what the eff were you thinking, Mione? I thought. This is stupid, this is going to go horribly, you'll regret it, and Malfoy will only hate you even more than he does already. All you want to do is curl up in a ball and slowly die, no denying it. These pessimistic thoughts flooded my mind, making me lose track of time and miss dinner...

6:40 pm, Abandoned Classroom.

I waited in the classroom, tapping my foot on the stone brick ground impatiently. Where's Malfoy? He couldn't take that long to arrive..

6:48 pm..

He still isn't here.. Did he reject the letter? Did the letter get lost? I hope not.. I knew I shouldn't of done this, there was no point anymore. 

You're being hard on yourself, don't worry, he'll come

You should've never done this! You're dumb, pathetic and disgusting. The best solution would be to jump off a cliff.. Just end this!

Two voices pounded in my mind, arguing for domination. After 20 seconds of painful silence, I heard footsteps walk towards me.


"Malfoy! I mean, uh, Malfoy"

"What're you doing here? Did you get invited to some dumb ass* meeting too?"

"First, no. Second, it's not dumb, and third, why're you so curious?"

"I have many rights to be. Anyways, what are you doing here?"

"I invited you here. Now please shut up and stop asking questions for a moment"

"....Fine, Queen Granger.."

"......Alright then. Malfoy.. Will you..."

"Speak up, Mudblood. I can't hear you for Salazar's sake!"

"Ma frehnd..."

"Speak up!"

You're deaf, that's why..

"Be.. Ma frend.."


"Be my friend! Okay? I said it!"

Malfoy looked at me in astonishment. He's probably thinking I'm pathetic..

"I, uh.." Malfoy said awkwardly. I held my hand out, hoping he would take it.

Unfortunately he didn't. "Granger..?" Draco asked. "Y-yes?" I replied.

"What's with the sudden change? Not like.. Not like I care or anything.." the blonde said before me, a deep shade of pink reddening his pale cheeks. I opened my mouth to say something, yet nothing came out.

After a few moments of silence, Malfoy looked my in the eye, his cold stare making me numb;

And he left.  

*For those of you who are like ERMEGRED MALFOY SWORE AT THE AGE OF 11!
Shush. He did in the first movie. Deal with it 8)

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