chapter 5

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If you read my previous chapter, this one is fixed, johnny and kenzie didnt meet

Kenzie's POV

We go inside, and hang around the party, we dance and laugh together. It finally is time for the awards. I have been waiting for this moment for so long, when the worst feeling hit me. Abby. She is here, in the front. I have not seen Abby in 3 years. Shake it off kenzie, I tell myself. I am not going to let Abby ruin this moment for me, I will not let her bring me down. All of us are sitting down, and another one of Jacks friend show up. I cant see him that well I guess we will meet later.... 

Maddies POV

I am so proud of Kenzie, I hope she sees him tonight.

Jacks POV

Johnny just got here, I am so excited for him and kenzie to reunite. he sits next to me and he sees kenzie, but he cant see her face because she is facing back to us. He asks me "is that maddies sister, whats her name", I respond with "Kenzie, you guys should talk." "You know I only have my eyes set for one girl" Johnny responds. "Yeah I know man, you know kenzie is nominated for teen girl award" I say He looks at me wide eyed "Dude that is one of the biggest awards of the night" he says "Oh stop you won teen guy award" i reply He just laughs and says " I wanna see who im dancing with later"

(The teen guy and girl dance with each other like prom)

Kenzies POV

The are about to announce the winner of the award, they say "Shes been through a lot, shes an amazing singer, and also a great dancer, and the winner of the teen girl award is......."


I am so shocked I stand up, and hug maddie and jack then I walk up the stage stairs, and look out in the crowd in awe.

I made my speech

"This is just crazy and mind blowing, I am so honored to have this award with me tonight, this is my first year at these awards due to other circumstances, but I love all my fans and everyone who voted for me, Thank You!"

And the crowd cheers as I walk off stage.

I go to maddie and she tells me congrats.

Johnnys POV

I couldn't see her from here everyone was standing up even though im tall, I couldnt see her she sounded oddly familiar.

It was time for everyone to dance I had to dance with her, I felt like I was betraying the girl I wanted to be here tonight.

I walk to the dance floor and I stop and we look at each other I am in shocked, shes the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, and then I realize something, I realize who it is.

Its her.

Kenzie POV

Oh my gosh its him. Its johnny, hes here, he is the Teen guy, I couldn't be more happy. I walk over and say "its you" with a huge smile, he looks up with a grin and says "You never told me your name and it drove me crazy, i know this is gonna sound weird but I missed you," I blush and say "I missed you too, now lets dance"

The night starts to die down, I got johnny's number, and we stopped before we left. Johnny looks at me and says

"Will you go out with me" I say "Of course"

He kisses my cheek and says bye and we drive our separate ways home.

I get home and receive a text knowing who it is from. Johnny.

"Hope you sleep well, I will send information about date tomorrow, goodnight<3'

I respond back saying "I'm excited, goodnight"

Even though we just met, i feel like I have known him forever, i- he just makes me feel this way, i've never felt before. It's a feeling I can't describe.

Johnny's POV

I finally found her, we're going on a date tomorrow. I can't even think straight. Even if I just met her, I-I think I love her.

It's like Love at First Sight.



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