Chapter 16

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(more then one pov this chapter :)   

Kenzie's  POV

              Today we all decided to go to a party by all I mean me, johnny, maddie, jack and lauren and her boyfriend.  As were were walking in we said hi to some people we knew and most of our friends congratulating me and johnny on our newly revealed relationship ;)

We went to the dance floor and all started dancing then johnny looked over at me and said "i'm gonna get us some drinks" so I nodded and kept dancing. All of a sudden this girl bumps into me and spills her drink all over my WHITE top. I stand there in shock then look up.


She looks at me and says "oops my bad didn't see you there" and everyone laughs and I look at her and said "well surprisingly i didn't see you either even though I can smell a bitch from a mile away" with a smile (ayeee PLL fans :)  and everyone oos.

Then she says "Wow good one, almost as good as your boyfriend johnny" (nadia is nadia turner aka johnnys Ex in the story) then everyone Ohhhhhhs' and i'm pissed by now

I grit my teeth and say "mmmm yeah that's why he dropped your ass a long time ago. Listen bitch no one wants you here get lost before I seriously kick your fake ass" then she gasps and walks away with her minions following her.

The music starts all over again and johnny walks up to me concerned but I put my hand up and say  "not right now" and we all just dance together and have a great night with me forgetting about my wet shirt and a counter with the crazy obsessed bitch.

Johnnys POV

I watched as kenzie and nadia argued and I could tell kenz was pissed about what nadia said, Kenz looked hot when she was mad. Ugh stop johnny focus i think to myself. Kenzie new all about my past relationship with nadia.

I don't even know why I dated her. I really wish I never did because she was just as fake as it gets. She will never be like kenzie. Nadia was horrible a manipulating bitch who was a brat when she did not get what she wanted and i'm so happy that i'm not with her anymore.

Mackenzie is my favorite person ever. She is seriously one of the best people I have ever know. She is such a kind soul and cares so much for other people and I respect that.

I could not be any happier then I already am that i'm with her. She deserves the world and I will do anything and everything to give it to her. I could see myself starting a family and a life with her. I love her so much and I don't think that i could even imagine losing her.

Kenzie ends the argument while nadia walks away. I walk up to kenzie concerned about to ask her if she was alright but she just kinda brushes it off saying "later" so we dance and have fun for the rest of the night ignoring all the shit that went down tonight.


Nadia used to be my best friend she was really a great person back then. She turned all fake and then started becoming a bitch and hanging out with ones to. I would love if the old her came back, we were best friends for 5 YEARS!

I don't understand how she could throw that all away and just become an awful person.

Nadia's POV

That bitch Mackenzie doesn't deserve johnny! She isn't even pretty. I will get johnny back and make sure mackenzie's life is a living hell!!!

Kenzie's POV

Well tonight was definitely eventful.

We all went back to our houses and I said bye to john and that we would talk tomorrow.

I could never even imagine losing john. He's my other half. I want my life to be with him. I wanna grow old with him. Have a family with him. I wanna be with him until I die. I love him so much that it hurts sometimes.


comment if u want drama with nadia or want to know more about the drama with hayden and annie!? Xoxo jordan

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