Chapter 23

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Kenzie's PoV

I decided to stay the night at annie's house and we sat on the couch and watched movies while eating popcorn. Currently we're watching The Conjuring.

"ugh that's so creepy the way she was like crawling through the house" as we both shivered in disgust. We decided to sit and just catch up on everything after the movie was over.

"kenz are you actually okay. I know when your lying." annie sad with a worried look

"no. i'm not fine at all, I mean yeah he could have been drunk but why was he there in the first place. I love johnny so much it hurts my heart." I sad as tears filled my eyes

"awe babe it's gonna be okay. maybe just talk to johnny and find out why. I know brynn was not drunk since she has to get tests done weekly after her parents caught her while she was drunk" I shot annie a quick look

"wait so she did that WILLINGLY. oh hell to the no cmon we are driving over there now" I said

"wait kenz there all at her house right now. hayden, johnny, maddie, and jack and ethan" annie said

"I don't give a shit were fighting a bitch now." I said getting my car keys

"okay i'm down" annie said while laughing

••••••••car ride••••••••••

we got to brynns door as I got out annie said "do you even know what your gonna say"

"nope but I know what i'm gonna hit" I said

I rang the door bell as I tapped my foot on the cement doorstep. ethan answered and said "oh kenz uh hey I don't think you wanna go in th-"

"move the hell out of my way. now." I said with a straight face

He moved as a walked through the house to the living room everyone saw me. I spotted johnny I walked over to him and grabbed someone's drink from there hand.

"oh hey babe did you miss me?" I said in a sarcastic way then I through the drink in his face.

brynn saw me and said "jeez kenz don't be a bitch"

I looked at her so fast I could have broken my neck. "that's rich coming from a whore. you just never know when to keep your body closed for business do you" i said

"kenzie stop now. don't talk to her like that" maddie said

"do you know what the hell she did" I said to maddie

maddie looked confused so I carried on "I was on my way to having a fun night with my friends and I looked over, oh who do I see, my boyfriend and my best friend making out" I start laughing with no humor in my voice.

everyone turns and looks at johnny and he looks guilty he looks at me sadly and says "kenzie please let me explain." as beer drips down his face.

I thought about what annie said earlier "let him explain" so I looked and nodded "let's step outside, you have 5 minutes." he nodded as we walked outside

"johnny how could you do that. you know what happened to me in my past. you know how much I LOVE YOU." I shouted with tears dropping from my eyes.

"kenzie I thought she was you. I started drinking because I got into an argument with my parents and I went to the club. brynn texted me saying you were there with her and I came because I wanted to be with you. I stepped inside and someone kissed me I thought it was you then I saw it was brynn and pushed her off me and that's the part that you missed. kenz I love you with every bit of my heart. I never ever want you to be hurting and i'm so sorry if I caused it." he looked at me lovingly and wiped the tears on my face.

I looked at him and just hugged him. it's better to hear the whole story before making assumptions, and I believe him.

"johnny i'm sorry I assumed and poured beer on you" a said with a frown and he just laughed back

"it's fine now go home and rest you look sleepy." he said "can you come with me?" he nodded

annie came out and we went to the car and I dropped her off and then drove back to my house and me and johnny hands intertwined.

we got to my house and walked to the door I was so tired by the time I walked inside. we went to my room and I changed in the bathroom into pajamas. I walked out and johnny was laying down on the bed.

he opened his arms and I slightly laughed and walk over to him and layed next to him. he wrapped his arms around me and he put his face in my neck and whispered "you are my heart" and I smiled as i faded into sleep soon after.


AWE IS ANYONE ELSE TEARIN UP BOYS :((( so cute though anyway I finally updated :)
xoxo jordan 💋

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