Describe yourself tag thing

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Hiiii so I was nominated by EVOLutionHaizlynn to do this tag thing so here it is:

Hiiii so I was nominated by EVOLutionHaizlynn to do this tag thing so here it is:

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1. medium-dark brown, reaches my back, VERY curly and frizzy
2. a greenish blue color more blue tho
3. small-ish eyes, normal nose, normal mouth, straight teeth, almost nonexistent eyebrows
4. friendly, sassy, sensitive, funny, according to my friends likeable
5. crazy, fun, weird, amazing
6. sabrina's happiness, my cats, gymnastics, gmw, listening to havana😂, sleeping, not being sore after practice, watching high school musical or beauty and the beast or moana
7. when sabrina gets sick, a thousand years by christina perry, when my favourite gymnasts retire, the movie wonder
8. ppl hating on brina, ppl starting ridiculous rumours about her, when i get rips, when stupid mental blocks prevent me from doing things ik i can, my sisters, when my wifi doesn't work, when i'm hungry
9. new sabrina merch, pictures, or music, when someone updates one of my favourite fanfics, when i see coaches/ppl that i haven't seen in aged, the phrase "you can go on the tramp or in the pit"
10. eating too much garbage that just tastes too good to not eat, when i don't feed/play with my cat and he NEEDS me to, when i stay up way too late and have school in the morning

so ya, thats it! idk who to tag whoops🤷🏻‍♀️

also, it says to put a quote at the end so:
"if you like falling, gymnastics is the sport for you! you get to fall on your face, your ass, your back, your knees, and your pride"
-hayley graham— stick it

lmao that was a rly random quote😂

anyway, dat's all folks! gn everybody!

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