Chapter 4: Trouble's brewing

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When I reached my front gate, I got off the car and walked to my door. I fished out my keys and opened the door. Just then, I felt someone’s hands on my waist. I screamed

‘ omg! You pervert! Get your hands off me! ’

‘ Shut up Renee, it’s me Alvan. Quit screaming like a little girl, otherwise your whole neighbourhood would think you're being kidnapped ’ he covered my mouth and pushed me into the house.

What is this guy even thinking? Finally I managed to wriggle free from his grasp.

‘ your parents are not at home? ’

‘ my mum’s at work, I don’t have a dad fyi ’

‘ ohh, sorry ’

‘ nah it’s okay…I’m used to it anyway…’ I walked to the kitchen ‘ do you want any drinks? ’

He shook his head. He sat on the couch and commented on the house ‘ nice house you got there ’

‘ thanks and by the way, you’re sitting on my seat ’

‘ and what are you gonna do about it? ’ he smirked

‘ I would sit on you and I weight like…I don’t know…but I’m really heavy so you better watch out ’

‘ fine, I’m not gonna stand up ’

‘you wouldn’t dare…’ I eyed at him

‘ try me ’  he eyed me back

Finally I gave up and sat at the other end of the couch and crossed my arms while Alvan switch on the TV. I was pouting a little when Alvan turned to look at me.

‘ you mad? ’

‘ no. Ain’t no time to be mad at immature people ’ i rolled my eyes.

‘ come here Renee ’

‘ no ’

He sighed and switched off the TV. Then he stood, yanked me up from my seat and push me to a wall.

He put his hands on the wall so I was practically stuck between his arms. He leaned in closer to my face while I shut my eyes tightly. He then whispered into my ears ‘ to be honest, you’re cute when you’re mad ’

I could feel his breath on my ears. Then he nibbled a little on my ears and kissed my cheek. I swear that I felt my face turned red and I was blushing so badly.

‘ well it’s getting late, I gotta go now. See you tomorrow darling ’ he winked at me and left me standing rooted at the exact position where he kissed me at. This was the first time a guy kissed me on my cheek. I had a boyfriend before but it was just for fun and the relationship wasn't a serious one and he didn’t really kissed me, he didn't even hold my hand and Alvan kissed me on my cheek already?

So many thoughts just ran around in my head. I felt a little nauseous and I had a headache from all these thoughts.

‘ I think I should shower and sleep it away…’


 The next day, I woke up and I felt soo good. It was the first time I was excited to go to school.

I quickly prepared to go to school. I received a text…Alvan?

‘ morning beautiful ’

‘ morning ’ i smirked a little while sending the text.

Once I stepped into the school, I sort off saw Alvan and Nicole at one of the corridors. I couldn’t see clearly what they were doing but I kinda saw Nicole kissing Alvan’s cheek and saying a few words and left.

I didn’t really care much so I just left for class.

During class, I felt my back hurt a lot…what the heck? My back wasn’t those normal ache where you did too much flexibility training.

So I planned to go to the doctor that day.


I waited impatiently for my turn…what was happening to me? Why is my back hurting? Thoughts ran past in my mind.

‘ Renee, it’s your turn to meet the doctor ’

‘ doc, my back’s hurting a lot…is something wrong with my back? ’

‘ Renee, let me check your spine. Please remove your shirt and bend down ’

I did exactly what she said…

‘ Renee, I’m gonna talk to you like an adult okay? I think I need to send you to a specialist. I looked at your spine and it’s curved, not a normal curve. It’s called scoliosis. So I’ll give you a referral letter to Doctor Lim. Next month, go and see her and she’ll explain more to you ’

‘ thanks ’  I smiled and left the clinic.

I’m scared, what is this scoliosis? I went home and checked about this illness.

It says that it’s about the bending of the spine to the side, either left or right. If the spine bends too much to the side, I would need to do…surgery? Omg, okay…today’s getting weirder than ever…I’m so scared now…

What if I need to do surgery? Would it leave a huge scar? Would I still be able to walk and dance? What activities do I do and what not to do?

Questions just kept flooding in my head...what do i do? I'm scared...

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