Chapter 13: What i forgot

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' Finally you're back!!! I was freaking waiting for you. I heard your mum come home and I totally freaked out. She was screaming your name and I was like OMG YOUR MUM'S HOME'I quickly covered his mouth. ' mum's downstairs, I don't want her to hear you' I whispered back. ' so now what? I can't go out like that, your mum's downstairs...' omg, he's right, now what? Shit...I shouldn't have forgotten that he was still in my room. NOW WHAT??!!!

So that's when he gave me a stupid suggestion 'well...? I could...sleep with you tonight?'he smirked at me. I gave him a 'you don't say I won't allow you' look. Wait...but what other choices do I have? There's another one, that is telling my mum that I brought a guy home and letting him stay over to watch a movie, but I would probably get grounded until when I'm like 20? So that option is out so left with letting Alvan sleeping in my yea, i allowed him to stay over till tomorrow and once my mum leaves the house for work, I'll tell him to leave my house. So I told him my plan and of course, I forced him to agree. I told him to sleep on the floor while I slept on my bed (what a good host I am, note the high amount of sarcasm)

I gave him a pillow and a spare blanket, he gave me a 'seriously?' look, I argued with him 'ok then smartass Alvan, do you want me to give you a mattress as well? Or let you sleep on my bed? Or even let you sleep with me?' I was trying my best to whisper and not make too much noise. In case my mum just barged into my room, I decided to lock the door. I was so mad cuz of everything not going as I planned it would be. So I probably said a few words that came out a little wrong... 'so...pretty brown eyes want me to sleep with her huh?' he smirked at me, you know sometimes, he gets a little irritating with his perfect smirk so I kinda lost my mind (yea, I can't take stress at all)

I nudged him really hard and gave him a death-stare, he rubbed the spot where I nudged him as though as he just got punched really hard. 'hah, that's what YOU get for messing around with me' I tried emphasizing on the word 'you' but instead, my voice was a little shaky from all the commotion so it made my voice sound a little uneasy and scared. I think Alvan could hear my shaky voice so he stood up. When I was about to ask him what was he gonna doing, he held my hands and pulled me up. He carried me up and I gave him a look, trying to say 'what the hell are you doing? Put me down' but I guess he didn't care. I bit my lip as he brought me to my bed. He carefully placed me down on my bed and treated me like a baby. He tucked me in bed and whispered into my ear 'renee, go to sleep now, sweet dreams' and before he walked away, he gave me a peck on my forehead and went to his 'bed'. Ok, so now, I felt really guilty for not getting him a decent place to sleep at but I mean, what do you guys want me to do? I can't let him sleep with me, afterall, never trust a hunk to sleep with you, you MIGHT not 'resist the temptation'. Haha I'm just kidding but still?

I couldn't sleep, I wasn't sure if Alvan was asleep but I guess he was since he hasn't moved ever since he lied down. I peeked out from my blanket and could see that he didn't cover himself with a blanket and coincidently, it was raining really heavy outside. I glanced at my alarm clock, I was only 1am. I knew my mum would be in bed by now since she gotta wake up at about 6 every morning. I pushed my blanket away lightly and walked towards Alvan. I kneeled down beside him, took the blanket and pulled it over his body. Then, I just sat down beside him while looking at him sleeping. He looked really cute to be honest, I just sat there for god knows how long. After a while, I think he had a nightmare, he started to murmur some words under his breath, I couldn't hear a thing he's saying. Then he just reached out his hand and grabbed mine. 'no please! Renee! Don't leave me, please' he whispered and it was loud for me to actually hear it. A smile crept out from my mouth, I put my hand over his forehead and whispered back 'I promise I won't leave you, I'll stay by your side and be with you forever and always' then almost instantly, Alvan stopped murmuring and grinned. I guess he heard me saying those words...


After about an hour, I still couldn't sleep. Even after Alvan's 'nightmare', he was still holding my hand. I didn't want him to let go just yet. I felt safe like this, like all evil was gone forever. I didn't want the moment to end, I just really love this feeling.

Just suddenly, Alvan opened his eyes. I think he was shocked to see us holding hands and that I was right beside him. 'renee...erm...may I know why are we holding hands?' I bit my lip and explained everything. By the time I explained finish, it was already 2.30am. Both of us couldn't sleep, we weren't tired at all so we just sat on the floor, creating an awkward silence. At around 3am I felt a little tired so I told him that I wanted to rest. So he agreed on waking me up at around 6 in the morning.

I lied on my bed, and slowly my eyelids began to droop down. In less than a few seconds, I was sound asleep...

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