Chapter 12: Problem

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Renee’s POV

OMG WHY?? I thought I told Alvan NOT to bother or look for me ever again? Probably he was having too much ‘fun’ with Nicole yesterday that he didn’t see my letter and gift. I think I should send him a text in case he didn’t see my note. Just when I wanted to send my text, my phone vibrated and guess who sent me a message? Yea, Alvan… so now I had to delete my whole freaking text ( always happens ) and I read his text:

Hey Renee, mind if I come to your house for awhile?

I felt it was a right thing to tell him face-to-face instead of breaking a friendship over text message. It’s just…rude. So I replied him and in less than 5 min, I heard the door bell rang. I opened the door and saw Alvan. The weird thing is that it was pouring outside. I didn’t even know that it was raining and Alvan was drenched in the rain. I pulled him in and reprimanded him for coming over despite the heavy rain. ‘ at least you still care ’ he said it under his breath but it was loud enough for me to actually hear it. I rolled my eyes and told him to change his clothes, I got him my baggy clothes and obviously not a girly shirt. I left it outside the toilet and I waited for him in my room. He came out of the toilet and when I turned over, I swear that my cheeks turned red and hot and I almost drooled. The sight was just OMFG!!!

He had six packs (obviously cause he works out) and he was just smirking at me. ‘OMG ALVAN!!! Put on your clothes’ I screamed while I covered my eyes. He chuckled and put on the shirt.


Okay, so now here’s the serious business. I told him why we couldn’t be friends anymore but he insisted we HAD to continue this friendship of ours. He clarified and sweared to me that he did NOT spend the night with Nicole and he slept downstairs while she’s sleeping on his bed. I didn’t know why but I heaved a sigh of relief and he could hear it too, which made it awkward for both of us. So he suggested we would watch a movie instead of slacking in my room and I agreed.

Just when we were watching the movie, someone rang the doorbell, could it be my mum? Oh no, she’s gonna kill me if she saw I brought a guy back to my house, I was panicking inside. Alvan told me he’ll get the door, ‘NO!!!’ it came out a little louder than I think it would. Alvan turned to me and he was a little shocked I guess? I told him to go hide in my room and not to open my room door no matter what. So I guess my mum would be a little annoyed cause the doorbell was ringing continuously for also 5 minutes. I opened the door slowly and acted calm. But it wasn’t my mum, it was Jake…


‘ hey Renee, I’m sorry, did I come at the wrong time? Cause I guess your mum would be at home now…’ I heaved a sigh of relief, of course I tried my best not to show it. ‘ nope, no one’s at home, why are you here?’ and he started stuttering ‘ erm…I was kinda wondering if you’d erm, sort off, go for…erm, a…movie with you? no wait, I mean me?’ I giggled at his embarrassed look and nodded my head. So we went out together.


‘so…what kinda movie would you like to watch?’ he stared at me while I gave him a ‘ I don’t know’ face. I scanned through the available movies and I saw ‘Valentine’s day’ I was longing to watch that movie but I was too lazy to watch that alone. I guessed that Jake somehow knew I wanted to watch that movie and he said ‘ Valentine’s day it will be’ I smiled back in agreement. So while I was eating popcorn and I glued my eyes on the screen, but at the corner of my eye, I could see Jake staring at me, it wasn’t clear tho cause it’s in the cinema theatre, what do you expect? So at the end of the movie, we went for dinner and I laughed a lot at his jokes.

Suddenly, I just felt that something was not right but I just brushed it away. Then I realised it was getting really late so I told Jake I got to go now so he brought me home. My mum was already at home watching the television, ‘ hey mum’ she turned to me and waved her hand and continued watching her show.

I went up to my room and when I opened the door, I realized what was my problem…Alvan was still in my room…

Author's note : Hi guysss, i'm back from holiday :D So i tried to finish this chapter asap and i did :) so i'm gonna end this story soon i guess? i think? idk, cuz i'm gonna start a new story soon ^^ i can't wait :3 this story sucks, i'm sorry okay? :( so yea...baiii :)

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