AFTER STORY (part 1)

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it's been 2 years since she left me. I still couldn't let her go, i'm still thinking of her every single minute but since i promised her to stay strong, i will, i will stay strong.

I finally graduated from high school and so i wanted to start working. I was on my way for and interview to be a sales person, it's totally not my style but they give high pay so i'll just have to endure this job till i've found a better-paying job.

As i was rushing to the office, i was getting really late and i didn't want my future boss to have a bad impression on me. I accidentally bumped into someone else, she fell to the ground and she scraped her knee and it was bleeding badly. 'HEY!!' she stared at me with her brown eyes. That's when i widened my eyes 'Renee?!' probably i said it too loudly. 'i'm not Renee, i'm Rose. Why the hell am i telling you this?! help me up. Don't you know how to apologise? Bumping into someone and not apologising is very rude you know? help me up now, look, my knee is bleeding!' i snapped out of my daze and grabbed her arm tightly and pulled her up. After she stood up, she nearly fell back down to the ground if not for my fast reaction. I swiftly grabbed her shoulder and asked if she was okay and she started ranting again. 'okay? OKAY?! i freaking sprained my ankle and my knee is bleeding so badly, you ask me if i was okay? omg, can you like help me over to somewhere to sit? ohmigod you really'

wow, this girl is really, very familiar...i helped her to the nearest bench and i went to a convenience store to buy her a bandage and some anti-bacteria cream. I offered to help her apply it but she started complaining again. 'of course not! you're just a random stranger i unluckily bumped into. Give me that, i'll apply it myself.' then she just snatched the tube of cream and the bandage and gently applied it to her wound.

Oh my god!! i just realised i was so freaking late for the interview. But i don't really care about that right now...i'm actually surprisingly more interested in this strangely familiar girl that i bumped into on the streets.

She suddenly became really gentle and kind which actually scared me. 'erm...excuse me, i'm sorry for just now, i guess i was being too emotional because my boyfriend just broke up with me...hi, i'm Rose' she gave me a wide smile and extended out her right hand, attempting to shake mine. I replied her, trying to give her my best smile 'hey, i'm Alvan, i'm sorry to hear that' and our hands met and i felt a mild electric shock sent up from my hands to my spine and to the rest of my body.

The next thing i knew, i was having lunch with Rose. We laughed and chatted for nearly the whole afternoon. I was having so much fun, you know, she actually reminded me of Renee somehow, her eyes, her smile and maybe her character too.

Rose's phone then interrupted my thoughts, 'hello?...WHAT DO YOU WANT?...i've broken up with you already, i don't care if you die or not' and she ended the call. I guess her ex really broke her heart. I carefully asked her if she was okay in case she flared up again. She breathe in and out to calm herself down. 'yea, i'm okay' she gave me a fake smile. Soon, we ate dinner together and went our separate ways after exchanging our phone numbers.

Little did we know, we chatted everyday. On this particular day, i suddenly received a phone call and i answered it. 'hello?' there was a long silence and i thought it was a prank call or something but before i ended the call 'hello? Alvan? It's Rose. I need you now, my ex is outside my house. He wants to break in, i need your help please..' her voice was shaking with fear and i got her address and rushed over as quickly as i could. When i arrived, i went up the lift and called her. 'Alvan? OMG help me!! he's broke into my house already and he's searching for me, i'm in the toilet and AHHHH!!!' then the call ended. Rose's in danger! oh god lift hurry and reach her level!! Damn why must her house be so high up?!

i reached her door and i banged it open and i saw Rose on her bed, knocked unconscious and a well-built guy stood there and was about to rape her. ' WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!' i screamed at him. He turned around and our eyes met. can't be, not him, NOT HIM!!! i saw him, it was all real, he was the one who caused Renee her life, him, Ryan...

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