Chapter 15: stories after stories

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'so what exactly happened?' Mrs Tan questioned me curiously. I repeated the whole incident to her and she stayed quiet the whole time. Then she unexpectedly hugged me tightly. 'thank you so much Alvan. Thank you for being there for my daughter when I wasn't. Thank you so much. Thank you.' for a moment I thought I was gonna be dead because I caused Renee to get in trouble. I thought her mum would scold the hell outta me but she didn't. Instead, she actually thanked me, which really surprised me. Then Mrs Tan walked to Renee's side. She held her hand tightly as tears trickled down her cheeks. I decided I should leave those two alone 'erm, Mrs Tan, would you like me to buy dinner for you from downstairs?' Mrs Tan turned over with her eyes red as she wiped away the tears on her cheeks as she weakly smiled at me. 'yes please, thank you Alvan' I smiled back and left the room quietly. When I went downstairs, I bought porridge for Mrs Tan and went back up. I couldn't eat, I just couldn't, I didn't have any appetite. While I was on my way up, I passed by someone familiar but weirdly, I didn't recognize him at all. I stopped my tracks and stared at him. 'dad?' I found my mouth saying things I wasn't supposed to say. For a moment I thought I mistook him but that 'stranger' turned back at me. That was when I saw him, the used-to-be strong man, who I used to treat him as my role model, yet he was the one who broke my family apart. But now, he became a wrinkled old man, not the guy I used to love and remember.

The next thing I knew, I found us sitting on an old bench at the hospital's park. This sight actually reminded me of how everything used to be so perfect in the past. 'Alvan, you've grown to be such a fine young man' that was when he broke the silence. I was still mad at him for whatever he did. I was about to leave when he finally said 'Alvan, you must be mad at me. I don't blame you. God has now punished me. I am diagnosed with lung cancer and I only have around a year to live.' I found unexpected tears trickling down my cheeks. 'I was wrong and I'm truly sorry, I never expected things would turn out this way. And I hope that before I die, I want to apologized to your mothe...' while he said all of these words, the anger in me started boiling and I cut him off 'APOLOGISE? APOLOGISE WHAT? APOLOGISE THAT YOU LEFT US FOR ANOTHER WOMAN? MUM IS DEAD, AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, MUM SHOULD NEVER HAVE TRUSTED A BASTARD LIKE YOU. NO, I SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED YOU EITHER.'Then I stomped off. I couldn't care less. Passer-bys would probably think I'm not filial but they don't know, they didn't know what I have been through.

I returned back to the room. 'sorry I took so long and probably your food is kinda cold. I erm...met someone' Mrs Tan saw my nervous expression so she took the food in my hands and didn't ask me much. 'thank you Alvan. I got to go already. Do help me to take care of her. You're a really good guy.' And before she closed the room door, she said 'you really are a good guy. Thank you for everything'she smiled and took a glance at Renee before closing the room door.

I sat beside Renee and kissed her on her forehead. She looked a lot better than just now. At least her lips were back to their normal shade of pink and her face wasn't as pale as before. Then she slowly opened her eyes. 'Al...Alvan?' I smiled at her and I explained what happened after she blacked out at the roadside.

Renee's POV

'oh my god...I didn't know so much has happened' actually while I was unconscious, I could hear vague memories of what happened. That was when I remembered, 'you kn..knew Ryan?' those words were at the back of my mind till I said it, out loud while stuttering a little. I knew Alvan didn't want to say much about Ryan but I was really curious about their 'hatred'. Alvan immediately changed expression. He stared at me with his icy cold eyes that sent chills up my spine. Did I say something wrong? Did he not want to say his problems with Ryan? I don't know but I guess I'm about to find out...

Alvan's POV

The next thing I knew was her, asking about that bastard. I was really shocked that she asked me that. I didn't want to talk to her about him. I just hated him. I stared at her. But when I look into her warm eyes, I knew she was actually afraid of me. I bit my lips and started my story.

'yes, I knew him. so you might wanna ask what's up with us right? Let's just all started with a girl and a boy. The boy loved the girl, very much. The boy has a really good friend, more like his brother instead of a best friend. But one day, the good friend met up with the girl and confessed to her before the boy could express his love for her. The boy was really angry at his friend but since the girl love the friend back, he wished them the best of luck. But one fine day, the friend actually two-timed the girl and someone else. The girl was heart-broken and tried to commit suicide. The boy wanted to prevent her from killing herself but it was too late. From then on, the boy hated the 'good friend'. It was his fault, if he didn't break her heart so badly, she wouldn't commit suicide and yet, the friend  didn't care for the girl and just forgot about it.'

I felt hot tears forming up in my eyes. My nose stinging and my hands clenched up. I tried to keep the tears from falling. I thought to myself, hang in there Alvan, don't show Renee your weak side.

Renee's POV

Many images started forming in my head as he said the story. 'so the boy is you?' he nodded 'and the friend is Ryan?' he nodded again. 'and the girl?' he looked at me, hesitated and confessed 'her name is called Amanda. She was actually the perfect girl every guy would want but the only flaw she has is that she's too...weak. Like she can't take stress but at least she doesn't take jokes seriously. She gets straight As in studies, plays sport, she games like any other guy, she dances like the most beautiful dancer in the world. She has that perfect figure, those shaped like a bottle...' I listened attentively. She's really that perfect...I tried picturing her as he continued talking about her...

Author's note: hi guys, well, i finished this chapter (thank god). i'll try to finish the rest asap :) i thought of a new story like a while ago and i'm not gonna tell you guys what it is about cuz i want it to be a secret ^^ so do check it out after the ending of this story :D baiii

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