My next target

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Blood, thick blood, so thirsty and that one girl is my next target.

Hi my name is Alaina I'm a 17 year old high school student with millions of friends my favorite subject is math not to mention the hot teacher in there (laughs) but my best friend is Jackie she has been my bestie since I was in kindergarten. But this is the life I didn't want and I didn't deserve, so right now I'm walking to science class with all of my books in my hand. "Why so many books they are all so heavy?" I said. I dropped one of my books and before it hit the ground a person caught it, "Thanks." I say back. But he doesn't say a word which is strange because a lot of people talk to me, but I can see he is a new kid so it's probably a new world for him. "Ummmmm are you new here?" I said again. He came up to my ear and said "If you want to survive stay away from me." Kane said and then he walked away. Man I was so scared I never been so scared in my life I can hear my heart beating so fast I thank it's going to come out of my chest. I looked back and he was gone like gone gone but there was something so strange about him something that he wanted me to do was to stay away from him, but why. So right now I'm in science class with my books and looking at a moving screen the kid in front of me is sleeping and the kid behind is chewing gum which she doesn't chew with her mouth closed. But then I look to my left and I see the new kid you know the one that told me to stay away from him he is staring at me with those red eyes like blood, and then I shut my eyes because I was so scared and then I looked back and it was Jackie waving at me. I told Mr. Marin if I could go home because I felt dizzy which I am but I'm not just dizzy I'm imagining something every where I go I see him. Right now I'm walking home which sucks because it's in the woods and then I hear this noise something swifting so fast I knew someone was following me. I tripped over a rock and cut my knee OMG there was so much blood but I knew I had to get up and run, I look back to see if someone was behind me and when I turned the other way there he was right in front of me. "Please don't hurt me!" I say. "Are you bleeding?" He said back. How did he know I was bleeding and how did he know where I was? I told him yes and I lifted up my jean and there was a big cut so big a whole hand could fit in there. "Cover it up!" Kane said. "What why?" I said back. "I SAID COVER IT UP!" He said loudly. When I was covering it up I look back at him and please someone help, his eyes where red his face was pale and his teeth they were sharp so sharp it looked like he was....a vampire. I tried to run but he caught me and bit my neck all I could see was stars and then I passed out.


Where am I, I felt something around my feet it was chains they were around my arms to I couldn't move I couldn't

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Where am I, I felt something around my feet it was chains they were around my arms to I couldn't move I couldn't. I hear someone talking so I scream for help but...they didn't bother opening the door. "I can't believe you bit her!"said Zayn. "Mmmmmmm it was so good I wish you had a bite."said Kane. "Why why are you turning innocent people into something that's NOT HUMAN!" Zayn said loudly. "Chill it was just a smitch but it sure was a good one." Kane said jealousy. The next thing I hear is someone pushes someone against the wall and punching them so I started to get scared and started to cry and then the punching stop. "Is she crying?" Kane said laughing. "Leave her alone." Zayn said back. "Whatever I'll be in the kitchen while she stays in the dungeon."said Kane. I heard foot steps going away and another one walking towards the door. Someone opened the door and looked at how scared I was, "What am I doing here who are you?" I said nervously. "I'm Zayn your here because your a"said Zayn. "I'm what what am I!" I said back. Zayn took a deep breath and looked at me again he told me I was a....vampire.

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