Love bites

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I finally got out of the layer but I could still smell the blood from the vampire hunter and the blood on my hands from him. I looked back at the door and I could hear the wolf hunter putting in the code to come out and shoot me. So I used my vamp run to get away and go home. A few seconds later I was already in the woods and I could hear the wolf hunter yelling that I won't get away with this.


I was finally home, but I still felt weak from being shot and from sitting in that ridiculous chair

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I was finally home, but I still felt weak from being shot and from sitting in that ridiculous chair. For some reason when I got out of my chair I could use my vamp run and my powers maybe the chair had some kind of control over me but I'm just glad I'm home. As I went inside the mansion I could see Hope practicing her fighting skills with Kane and Zayn trying to practice his punching skills on the punching bag. "Practicing your punches that's nice I wondered how long it will take you to punch at least a punching bag."Alaina said to Zayn. "Your back what happened where was you?"Zayn asked Alaina. I didn't want them to know what really happened because if I did the wolf and vampire hunter will try to come and look for me and I don't want them to get involved. "I had to get out of the house for a while and plus I had to meet someone."Alaina said. "Then why is there blood on your shirt?"Hope asked. "OMG what happened I can smell the blood from here and from how much blood there is that means you have a deep cut!"Kane said surprisingly. "It's fine I'm fine we just had a little fight that's all."said Alaina. "Well do you want me to tell the maid to get you some clothes?"said Zayn. "No I can do it I'll just be in my room if you guys need anything."Alaina told them. When I was walking on the stairs I knew that Zayn kept on staring at me until I got to my room he knew I was lying. "I'll be right back you guys keep practicing."Zayn said curiously. So I'm in my room and in a towel getting ready to take a shower because there was so much blood on me and Kane is right this cut is deep. Zayn opened the door and thank you America I had a towel around me. "OH YOU MAY HAVE LIVED FOR I DON'T KNOW LIKE 910 YEARS AND KNOCKING IS STILL A THING NOW DAYS HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF KNOCKING!"Alaina said shockingly. "Oh my gosh I didn't even know I'm so sorry I mean I like the view right now."Zayn said flirtingly. I crisscrossed my arms and gave him the look. "I mean the view of outside."said Zayn. I rolled my eyes and giggled while I was bending over to get my clothes. I walked to the door to the bathroom and I stopped and turned around to Zayn and said can you get out. "Oh yeah sure take your time."Zayn said to me. "Wait I know you was lying about where you was can you tell me and what happened to you."said Zayn. "Can we do this after my shower I don't like talking while I'm half naked." "Of course."Zayn said. He walked out of the room and I walked in the bathroom.


A few hours later, when I got out of the bathroom I saw Zayn leaning against the wall looking at me with a grin

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A few hours later, when I got out of the bathroom I saw Zayn leaning against the wall looking at me with a grin. "Hello..."Alaina said curiously. "I'm all ears tell me everything."said Zayn. I walked in the bathroom and got dressed and came back out and told Zayn everything and I mean everything about the vampire and wolf hunter and Rebecca and he was thrilled.

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