A lost cause

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A week later, "She's still in bed it looks like she's sick like really really sick." Kane said sadly. "When did you start to care about her remember you was laughing at her the last time you to spoke." Zayn said back. I could hear Kane and Zayn whispering in the hallway so I told them to be quiet while I was coughing. They both came in the room looking depressed, "What's with the sad faces." I said while I coughed again. The maid came in the room with a blood bag and Zayn told me to take it to see if it will heal me. I took the blood bag and I spit it back out I told them it tasted like battery liquid, I haven't eaten since this happened and I didn't know what to do. Kane used his vamp run and grabbed a pillow and put it behind me, I lifted up my hand and rubbed Kane's cheek with my fingers. Kane looked at Zayn and Zayn looked at me and walked out. "Yo-you should go talk to him." I said while coughing. As Kane left the room Zayn heard something outside. "Open the door!" The vampire hunter said loudly. I couldn't sense who it was or hear who it was all I know is that I'm not gonna live long. Zayn and Kane ran down stairs and opened the door. When Zayn opened the door no body was there and the vampire hunter was climbing a tree while Zayn was looking around. When the vampire hunter got to the top of the tree he shot a bow from a bow an arrow and Kane caught it when it was 2 inches away from Zayn's face. Zayn and Kane ran to the vampire hunter and knocked him on the ground. "Why are you here!" Zayn said aggressively. The vampire hunter started to laugh "I didn't think I would fool you but it worked!" The vampire hunter said while laughing. "What are you talking about?" Said Kane. The vampire hunter took a deep breath and said I was here for a distraction and my sister went to go do something you'll regret. "What are you saying!" Kane said again. "In 3...2...1..." said the vampire hunter. Zayn and Kane looked back at Costinula and 3 seconds the whole mansion exploded into bits and pieces. "NOOOO!" They both said out loud. Kane looked at the vampire hunter real mad and used his vamp run and grabbed his neck and threw him off the cliff. The vampire hunter kept on rolling down the cliff and hit his head on a rock and blood drew from his head. Zayn used his vamp run and went into the destroyed mansion to see if Alaina made it out alive... but he didn't find her. Kane used his vamp run to see if Alaina was in the woods but he didn't find her either. Darla was in the woods as a werewolf sitting on another cliff and watched everything that happened. Kane looked at Darla and then Darla looked at Kane, Darla started to run and Kane caught up to her. Kane grabbed Darla's neck and held her against a tree as she transformed into her normal self. "Did you see Alaina come out of the house did you!" Kane said while he wasn't trying to cry. "Your chocking me." Darla said while trying to swallow. Zayn made it up to the cliff and told Kane to let her go when Kane let her go he started to walk down the hill. Then Darla transformed and tried to kill Kane so she jumped and Hope as a werewolf grabbed Darla and pushed her over a rock. Kane and Zayn looked back and saw Hope. Hope looked back at them both and growled which means to run, Darla finally got up on her four legs and jumped on Hope. They both rolled down the hill but they didn't brake there fight. They made there way on the ground and Hope was passed out and Darla started to run and kill Hope, until she smelled something. A white wolf with blue eyes started to howl and came sprinting and heading towards Darla. They both stood 10 feet away from each other and growled. Darla made her first move and ran straight forward to the wolf and jumped and then the white wolf jumped and put Darla to the ground. Darla rolled over and the white wolf wasn't there not even Hope, then Darla heard howling and swifting sounds and growls in the woods. Hope came out of the woods to distract Darla and started to run towards her and the white wolf jumped on Darla and pushed her against the wall from the mansion and knocked her out. Zayn and Kane looked at the white wolf as he transformed into a person, "I'm Tyler the Alpha male wolf you must be Zayn and Kane." Tyler said in a pleasing way.

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