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"We aren't gonna let you kill her!" Kane said angrily. "You don't have a choice! Your either with us or against us. She is the only problem to these mess up things that has happened. Everybody wants her and everybody would do anything to get her because of her blood. I want to make that stop, I want to be the one to stop them for getting what they want."said The werewolf. Kane used his vamp run to run in the woods to go rescue Alaina then Zayn followed and stopped in front of Kane. "What are you doing? I need to go get her!"Kane said loudly. "Alaina is dead!" Zayn said loudly. "She's not! Alaina is not dead!" Kane said angrily. After Kane finished that sentence the brothers heard a growling sound coming from the woods. They turned around and saw the glowing eyes of the wolf pack they were surrounding the brothers around the woods. The brothers used their vamp run and stopped at another spot because the werewolves were literally around the whole woods. One of the werewolves transformed into a human and walked towards the brothers and stood. "Did you know why the vampires never died from a werewolf? Because a werewolf bite can kill a vampire."the werewolf said. "If we can't get to Alaina without your guys getting in the way then I guess we are just gonna have to kill you."said the werewolf. The werewolf turned and started to sprint towards Zayn and Kane. When the werewolf was 5 feet away from Zayn and Kane, Zayn used his vamp run and ran in front of Kane and whipped his arm and hit the werewolf's face and flew him across the field. "I had that."said Kane. The werewolf got up from the ground and started to growl it stood there and stared. The other werewolves started to run heading towards Kane and Zayn "Run!"Kane yelled loudly. Kane and Zayn used their vamp run into the woods and a few minutes later the growling and the foot steps from the werewolves stopped. Kane and Zayn stopped running and they looked behind them and the werewolves was gone. They heard someone clapping "I can't believe they fell in my trap! You guys should have seen your faces you were like ahhhhhh! Hey Zayn." "Brittany."said Zayn. "Who's Brittany?"Kane said curiously. "You didn't tell me your brother was so cute." Brittany said with her arms crossed. "I didn't think I would see you again and I didn't think he was so attractive so that's why I didn't tell you."Zayn said. "Well I'm here." She said after Zayn's sentence. "So am I and I'm sooo confused." Kane said confusingly. "Zayn never mentioned me? I am Brittany. Alaina's friend, Zayn and Alaina came to me because Alaina just turned into a vampire so they went to a bar to control her thirst."said Brittany. "What are you doing here?" Zayn asked curiously. "I came for Alaina's funeral. It's funny how I'm her friend and yet no one invited me to her funeral. I also want to hear a thank you for saving my life from those werewolves." She said. "Thank you." They both said. "Your welcome."said Brittany.
"The werewolves shouldn't be long before they wake up. If your wondering yes I did put them into a sleep with some wolf toxin. That's how I made my trap I spread the wolf toxin in the puddle and the stepped in it and it put them to sleep so they should be waking up by then." Brittany said while sitting down on the stool. "Look since Rebecca is back from the dead AKA a zombie... she will do anything to get rid of Alaina and so I'm here to not make that happen. Since I'm one of the angels that Rebecca is I know what can damage us and what can't. What do you say wanna make a deal with the dead's girl best friend?" Brittany questioned.
"So do we have a deal I bring my dad back from the dead and he goes back to where he belongs which is the grave, and I just use your blood and then let you go." Hybond asked curiously. "We don't have a deal!" Alaina yelled furiously. "Too bad... cause I wasn't giving you an option."said Hybond. Hybond grabbed my wrist and yanked me to him and he started to walk outside. Hybond finally let go of me and he raised up his arms and started to say yas ve cuy jug over and over again. The ground started to shake and the dirt started to rise up then as I saw a coffin rose up from the dirt and gently laid on the ground. "Alaina come and meet my father oh wait... he's dead!" Hybond said while not trying to laugh. Hybond walked closer to the coffin and tried to open it but it wouldn't open. Then Hybond knew it was sealed shut by Bonnie. "BONNIE!" Hybond yelled loudly. "I knew I could trick you. That's not father's real coffin I just put that fake empty coffin in the ground." Bonnie said proudly. "WHERE IS FATHER!" Hybond asked madly. "Some where far away from you in a coffin. He could be anywhere he could be invisible right beside you or miles away from you. I knew father was the only way you would die so I hid him where you can't kill him. If you try to kill me you'll never find him cause I'm the only one who knows where he is." She said. "How about I just kill you right now and do a locator spell of father's coffin?" Hybond said surprisingly. "You can't the coffin is magic proof so that means no magic can open the coffin or no magic can find it."said Bonnie. Bonnie smiled with her arms crossed and Hybond had his mad face on. Hybond walked up to Bonnie and whispered in her ear "Your forgetting one thing." As he whispers he let out his black stick. He stabs her in the chest with his black stick and said "Once you die the magic will go away and I can do a locator spell on his coffin."said Hybond. Bonnie fell on the ground holding her stomach while the blood dripped on the ground, Hybond smiled and walked away. He walked up to me and said "Well let's get on with the locator spell.".

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