Another side of Alania's family

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When Zayn and I got to Costinula we saw Mr. Xander heading out with 3 bags packed. "Where are you going?"said Zayn. "No where just taking a vacation."Mr. Xander said. "Are you sure it looks like your going to kidnap a witche's daughter to cast a spell on me to kill me."I said angrily. "What no way like I said I'm going on a vacation."He said. "And your bringing back the witche's daughter perfect I'll be waiting." Alaina said. I walked off and Mr. Xander walked out. "So your just gonna hide in here until he comes back." Zayn said. I turned around on the stairs and looked at Zayn and said Xander may win the battle but I win the war and I walked off. When I got to my room I opened the door and heard a strange noise I looked around to see where that noise came from, I walked towards the closet and heard a sound behind me they were likes foot steps. I froze to sense the smell of the perfume it was definitely a girl I opened my coat just a little bit where I can grab a wooden sharped weapon and turned around as quick as I can and stabbed my sister in her shoulder. "Hello sister." Rebecca said in her British accent, she grabbed the weapon and threw it on the ground and grabbed me and threw me across the room. You can already tell that me and my sister don't get along that's because I put her in a coffin for doing something terrible. "I thought you was dead."I said standing up. "You thought wrong for 392 years I was in a box under the ground and you didn't come to my grave not even once!" Rebecca said angrily. "Because you killed our parents because they made you a person with wings!" I yelled at her to state a point that it wasn't my fault and that I didn't want to put her in the ground but it was just punishment. "Why are you here!?"said Alaina. "To return the favor for putting me under concrete!" Rebecca said angrily. I started to laugh so hard I couldn't resist to stop "Why are you laughing stop laughing!"said Rebecca. "I'm sorry Rebecca but for 392 years I can't believe you forgot I was a witch and witches can't be buried so run along." I started to laugh even more man how can she forget she showed up in my room and thinks she had it all planned out. "Well then I'll hang you and then after that I'll burn you."she said back. "Good luck with that because I don't think you have the guts even how mad your at me."I said back. Rebecca's wings opened up and she started to fly 5 feet off the floor and she flew towards me and lifted me up and threw me across the room. Zayn opened the door using his vamp run and saw that I was on the ground bleeding and saw that my window was opened. "Are you ok?"He said. "I'm fine did you see anyone fly out the window?"I said standing up. "I didn't see anyone else are you sure your ok?"Zayn said. As I got up I ran out the room with my vamp run and tried to look for Rebecca and I couldn't find her, so I'm standing outside looking up at the sky and wondering how she got out of the coffin and how she is stronger then me now. Zayn got out here and walked towards me and said "What are you doing out here?". I looked at him and walked away, Zayn followed me inside Costinula and closed the door. When I got to my room I looked out the window and saw Rebecca on a tree and staring at me. Why was she really here I ask myself why?

Forced vampire Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon