You can run but you can't hide

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"And why are we walking in the woods in the middle of nowhere?"said Alaina. "We are going to practice our running skills and our fighting skills do you have a problem with that?"Zayn said flirtingly. "Watch and learn Zayn you might learn a thing or two."Alaina said back. "Hahaha real funny but I'm here to teach you not for me to learn from a new vampire."said Zayn. "Fine but just learn one thing."said Alaina. "Righttt and what's that supposedly?"Zayn said back. Alaina used her vamp run leaving Zayn not knowing where she was, "Ok Alaina thats not funny hahaha I'm laughing so hard can you come out now!"Zayn said while he was looking around for Alaina. A few seconds later Alaina used her vamp run and came up behind Zayn and grabbed behind his neck and threw him down on the ground. "That."said Alaina. "Where did you learn that I thought you ditched me." Zayn said while he was getting up for the ground. "Let's just say I had a very good teacher her name was me,myself,and I."Alaina said. "So you taught yourself I'm surprised."said Zayn while he was whipping the leaves off of him. "Hey you never know what you can do once you do it you might surprise yourself."Alaina said back. "Yeah-that never happened to me."Zayn said. "Yeah no kidding."Alaina said. So right now me and Zayn are walking in the woods to find a flat ground to practice our fighting and running skills. "Ok so what do you want to learn first?"said Zayn. "Ummmm let's practice fighting."said Alaina. Zayn walked towards me and threw a punch and I grabbed his arm and threw him on the ground. "Sorry I might not learn a thing or two but you definitely do."Alaina said while she was not trying to laugh. "Hey that's not nice I just ummmm I just haven't had a fight since I've been a vampire."Zayn said back. "I'll take my chances."said Alaina. While we was practicing our fighting skills I kept on putting Zayn on the ground but it was so funny to see him trying to make up an excuse on why he can't even punch me. A few hours later I smelled something weird that it was dangerous to dangerous that I didn't even know what it was. Then I heard something shoot from a bow an arrow and I turned around so quick and caught the bow that was heading for my head and I saw a man he didn't look familiar he had black hair and hazel eyes he was a vampire hunter. "What was that!"Zayn said surprisingly. "It was a vampire hunter go home I'll be right behind you."I said to Zayn. I looked back at the vampire hunter and he started to run away so I used my vamp run to catch up to him. While I was still running he took off his jacket and made a cut in his hand and drop the blood on the jacket so I'll smell it. When I got to his jacket he wasn't here until I heard a noise and I turned around and he was behind me and he stabbed a stake in my chest. I fell to the ground and grabbed the stake out of my chest and threw it back at him and it cut his leg open. I looked back at my chest and the cut was healing while the vampire hunter was dragging his leg trying to run away. I used my vamp run and grabbed his neck and threw him on a tree and I walked towards him and lifted him up and said why was he here. "I'm not going to tell you anything."the vampire hunter said. I was chocking him really hard he was trying to fight me away and then a bow an arrow went through my chest. I turned around as I fell to the ground and it was a girl it looked like another hunter. I passed out but I could only hear a little bit of what the girl and boy was talking about. "Thanks sister."said the vampire hunter. "Come on bring her in our layer it won't be long until she heals and wakes up."said the wolf hunter.

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