Chapter 8 ii

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There's no further contact from Kosum and Arthit finds himself wondering if she had been caught. If not, had Kongphob changed his passwords and she can't crack it. He shakes his head in amusement and that thought soon even disappears from his mind. 

A few days later, he gets a call from Perawit and that Arthit is surprised is an understatement because it is unusual as hell. Perawit prefers texting and they have never really called each other. Maybe he is bored at the pub and wants some company. Like he had. So, he receives the call.

"Man, can you help me 'out?" Is the first thing the speaker on the other side of the line says.

"Err.. what happened?"

"Can you please make some time to go out with me  tonight?"


"It's not-" Perawit is laughing nervously. "Look the thing," his voice drops and it is almost conspiratorial, "the thing is- can you?"

"Sure. But what-"

"Great. I'll bring Kong along. We all can meet finally."

The line is disconnected abruptly and Arthit is left staring at his phone's screen with his mouth agape.

Perawit wants him to meet Kong? What the fuck? He isn't going for sure. What the fuck even.

Arthit keeps cursing and swearing at everything that day, everything that occurs and doesn't and is dangerously close to approaching his 'foul mood'. He is going to stand them up.


Arthit finds himself standing in front of the entrance of the pub, the loud music audible each time the entrance door swings open and closes when someone goes in and out. He inhales and curses at the 'jokes' his life keeps throwing his way. He still walks in all confident strides. He is an adult and can behave like one or so he keeps telling himself. He looks in the direction Perawit had texted saying he would be in. But Perawit isn't there. All the booths are occupied. In fact, there's one taken up by a lone occupant and it isn't him. Arthit sighs. They aren't here.

A few, extra minutes for him then to recuperate his heart for the eventual disaster.

He scrubs hard at a few loose strands of his hair. So much for-


Arthit bangs into a figure. He is about to swear at length at the offending person but it is Perawit's eyes he is gazing at and his cheeks flush immediately. Then scowls at himself for what it might have appeared to the other man. He isn't interested.

Not anymore.

"Hey! Why are you here?" Perawit asks loudly.

"All seats are taken." He mouths.

"What? No. Kong's sitting there. That way." Perawit points and Arthit takes one of the tumblers from his hands and follows him, dreading. "I went to collect our drinks," dreading the farce the situation is waiting to turn to. "There he is. Love!" Perawit shouts unnecessarily. He is barely audible to Arthit as it is who whips his head about to see Kongphob. The other man approaches the lone figure on one of the booths. Arthit's steps stop and he watches at Perawit bends down, putting the tumbler on the table top and leans in to whisper something into that man's ear. 

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