St. Francis

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Trigger Warning: Abuse


I woke up and glared at the window, "Stupid sun." I shook that off and got up to throw on a yellow crop top followed by a white skirt. I twirled to test out the skirt as it was new but that just ended up in my feet getting in the way and I fell over. For a moment I just stayed on the ground until I felt my phone buzz and I jumped up in the hopes it was Maria I...may have a crush on her.

RedHotMaria: Susan is fussing again and I don't know what to do. I fed her and changed her and everything.

Peggle: Want me to come over? I can try and help but I can't promise I'll be any good.

RedHotMaria: Yeah. My dorm obviously.

Peggle: omw

I grabbed a purse which I shoved my phone and wallet into before running to the driveway and getting on my bike. Sure, it was weird to ride a bike in a skirt, but I don't have a car or drivers license and I had a really weirdly creepy experience with uber a few months ago so my bike was the only way to get around. I could get a ride but I don't want to get in anybody's way or bother them or anything and it was only a fifteen-minute bike ride so whatever.

I got to the college and chained my bike to the bike rack before going up to the fourth floor and walking down the hall until I found dorm 334 and took my spare key out, opening the door softly. I didn't register what I was witnessing until I was all the way inside.

James Reynolds, he was...why was he hitting her?! Maria was trying to talk him down to peace and he kept hitting her so I grabbed my purse and ran over, smacking him with it, "Dude what the fuck?!" It was then that I heard Susan screaming from her crib.

"Peggy..." I looked at Maria to see her bleeding nose and busted lip, her eye was swollen shut and the visible parts of her body were covered in bruises.

I turned to James again to yell some more when he hit me with something, I don't know what it was but pain exploded in my head and I remember screaming and then falling. Maria was saying something, I don't know what she was saying, but I just closed my eyes because it was easier and slipped from whatever form of consciousness I had left.


"Oh God James what the fuck have you done?!" I kept shaking Peggy and picking glass from the vase out of her face, neck, and parts of her neck and shoulders but she wouldn't open her eyes. I swiped at the tears but they kept getting replaced, "We-We gotta call for help we-"

"-Are you fucking stupid?" He grabbed my hair and pulled it and even though I tried to stay by Peggy he ripped me away from her and threw me somewhere else, "If we call those bastards they'll throw me in prison!" He yelled.

I stood up, "Yeah?! Well, you deserve it!" I shouted and continued before he could react, "I-I mean you-you could've-what if you killed her?!" He hit me again and I let myself fall down.

"She hit me so she deserved it!" He yelled before storming out. I crawled over and leveled Peggy's head slowly.

The cuts among her body were still bleeding and I could tell a few were rather deep. I got up and picked Susan up, rocking her as I collapsed by Peggy again and got her phone from her purse and called 911, I don't care what James does she needed a hospital. I kept crying and just held her until she was wheeled to the hospital.


I heard the clatter of the phone as I dropped it, "Mom! Dad! Eliza!" I ran from the home phone and found them, "Pe-Peggy's in the hospital! Some-Somebody attacked her!" I grabbed Eliza before she could collapse and we ran to the car. Once in the car I tried to stop the anxiety by texting the group chat, they needed to be informed of what was happening anyway.

FeministBitch: Peggy's in the hospital, Eliza's a mess. Somebody attacked her and nobody knows why and she's in intensive care for a head injury and multiple gashes on her upper body. I can't do this.

VeryBiMuchSexual: Which hospital?!

BadAssMOFO: Who did it? I'm going to fuck them up!

SupremeLordOfMemes: Can we see her?

TheBestFren: Where did this happen?

TurtleBoi: Is she awake?

FeministBitch: We're just getting to the hospital ourselves I don't know anything. It's the St. Francis Hospital.

I put the phone down as we pulled up and I jumped out, running inside and asking for Peggy's room before running to it with Eliza and our parents not too far behind as I burst in. The instant I saw her face just covered in bandages and wires and tubes all around her body I burst into tears, I did note Maria sitting next to Peggy and holding her hand with Susan in a baby carrier next to her.

Eliza hugged me and some doctor pulled our mom and dad aside to talk. We stumbled in and sat down by her side, I ran a hand through her hair and choked. I never and I mean never thought I'd be seeing the bubbly girl who would copy Eliza by wearing tutus everywhere in what I could only assume was a coma.

Soon Alex, John, Laf, Hercules, Theodosia, Tori, and Nate appeared and we just sat by Peggy. Every now and then one of us would try to say something but we didn't have it in us to speak civilly when Peggy was in this state, the exact same atmosphere that hung around us when John was first in the hospital was present.

Then, Alex asked, "Hey Maria...what happened?" I looked up and noticed Maria was covered in injuries as well, they seemed to have been tended to and I guess the hospital staff took care of that when they admitted Peggy since Maria arrived with her.

She opened her mouth and made a noise before it turned into a sob and she covered her face while shaking her head. Tori went and gave her a hug of comfort and we all silently agreed not to ask that again as we went back to watching Peggy and praying she would wake up soon.

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