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Trigger Warning: Harassment


I was starting to get a bit creeped out, James had been on my Facebook and commented on a post I was tagged in from the Christmas party. I kept scrolling through them but they were making me more anxious.

James Reynolds: Hey Maria, it's been a long time! Can you add me? Lets catch up.

James Reynolds: gotta say you look as amazing as ever! Did you see my friend request? :) I'd really like to know how you've been doing!

James Reynolds: Your new picture looks amazing too. I swear I've never seen such a beautiful person in my life. So what's up? Are you still with Peggy?

James Reynolds: I'm coming to upstate NY this weekend for business. We should totally meet up for old time's sake haha.

James Reynolds: I can see you posted elsewhere. Are you not getting these notifications? I honestly just want to talk. Its been a long time lol

James Reynolds: Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? I would hate to do anything to hurt you.

James Reynolds: don't have to add me if you don't want to. But can you reply once? I honestly miss talking to you and have always loved you and I know you don't feel the same but just know I'll be around. I'd never treat you badly.

James Reynolds: Okay, you know what? Fuck you. I just wanted to talk to you but you are so fucking heartless you can't even say a simple hello. Fuck you. I hope you die of AIDS you fucking slut. I hope your girlfriend fucking breaks your teeth and you get raped and knocked up by some druggy you fucking bitch.

The more I read the last two messages the more I felt my world begin to shatter around me. I could feel my heart picking up and tears well up, flashbacks of what he has done to me came back like a wave. Why did he keep coming back? I was free, I was finally free, and he forced his way back. My phone then dinged and I looked back at it. On the ID that popped up was James's name which had me becoming worse.

"Mama?" I looked at Susan who crawled over and tried to shove my emotions down, opening my text messages as I picked Susan up.

James: I fucking hate you. Stay with fucking Margarita.

James: You aren't welcome in New York.

Maria: Why not?

James: "Why not?" Could you be more smug about your betrayal?

Maria: In any case you don't speak for all of New York.

James: Animals can't stay here

James: Step out and give me a call

I tried to remember what Peggy taught me about being assertive and standing up for myself. This man had no control over me no matter what he used to tell me and force me to believe, he was nothing to me.

Maria: I don't have to and you can't make me.

James: You have 10 mins

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, this was a fear tactic he used to do when we were together. He made it seem like there would be consequences if I didn't do everything as ordered, he set a time limit to give me a sense of urgency. I wasn't going to stand for this anymore.

James: 10 minutes is up

"What?" I heard a crash from some window and quickly grabbed Susan, sprinting to a closet and shutting the door. Susan shifted and I prayed she would be quiet, I could hear somebody walking through the halls.

School was currently out for winter break, or as it's usually called, Christmas break, so we had all come back to Mr Washington's. I was the only one home though because Alex and John were out on a date, Tori was out grocery shopping with Eliza and Mr Washington, Hercules and Laf were at Herc's shop, and Nathaniel was volunteering at an animal shelter.

"Maria?!" I heard glass shelter and I flinched, keeping my arms around Susan. It was James, it definitely was James. To say I was terrified was an understatement. I had dropped my phone in the living room so there was no more hope for me.

To top it all off Susan began to cry and even though I shushed her the closet door was soon flung open by James, "There you are." He grabbed my arm and I stumbled out, dropping Susan on accident from being jerked. Susan began screaming and James held something hard and metal against my temple, somehow I knew it was a gun so I closed my eyes an started crying.

James licked up my face and I flinched again, "We're going to go for a ride. Not with this bitch though." He kicked Susan and she flew halfway across the room with a scream.

Dread filled me and I tried to get to her but James was too strong, "James...okay...okay, James, I'll go." I sniffed, the tears flooding out of my eyes faster than I could blink them away, "I'll go but you've got to not hurt Susan, okay? If you hurt Susan then I'll fight, I'll never stop fighting, but leave her alone and we can go. Sound like a deal?" She looked at Susan sadly, the small child has since balled up and was still screeching.

"Works for me," He pulled me and I let him force me from the place I'd grown to feel safe inside of, "We don't need her anyway. Our relationship was just fine, it was ideal until that fucking bitch came along. Getting you pregnant was the biggest mistake ever." He stopped by his truck and looked at me, "I don't think you should be awake to see where we're going. I doubt you won't make an escape attempt."

"What?" I didn't get an answer though as I felt pain explode in my forehead. I barely put together that my face had been slammed against the hard metal of his truck before everything went black. I couldn't even scream, it was all so sudden. I just want Susan to be safe.

King's College (Sequel to Too Young and Blind)Where stories live. Discover now